During the military dictatorship in Brazil people have been killed and tortured. To the 55. Anniversary of the military coup there should be according to the will of the extreme right-wing President to celebrate. However, a court ban.

Shortly before the anniversary of the military coup in Brazil, 55 years ago, a court has the controversial celebrations. For the Sunday scheduled events in the barracks of the South American country would have to be cancelled, decided by judge Ivani Silva da Luz. You are in breach, therefore, against the principle of legality, since they were not regulated by law.

“Appropriate celebrations”

The right-wing President of the country, Jair Bolsonaro, had instructed on Monday, the armed forces, to commemorate the overthrow of President Joao Goulart by the military in 1964, with “appropriate ceremonies”. He had been criticised for massive and rowed back something a little later: It is not a non-critical Celebration, “but rather, to remember, to check, to see what was wrong and what is right. And to use then for the good of Brazil in the future.”

The President himself is an Ex-officer and has expressed in the past his sympathy for the military dictatorship that followed the coup. About half of his Ministers are military.

Bolsonaro had commented several times live over the military dictatorship.

In Brazil is a praise of dictatorship “solo”

On December 31. Of March in 1964 by a military coup by the armed forces against the democratically elected President Joao Goulart. Goularts Plan a moderate redistributive policy was the conservative elites, but also international companies, a thorn in the eye. The 21-year military dictatorship was marked by numerous violations of human rights.

In most of the Brazilians knew almost nothing, says Oliver Read from the Getulio Vargas Foundation. In Brazil it is to say, unlike in Argentina or Chile – “salon” that the military dictatorship was really not so bad. This is due to the fact that “the society are never dealt with,” says Read.

Amnesty guarantees still impunity

Indeed, since 2014, the report of a truth Commission. Is it a question of 400 Murdered and Disappeared, and about 2000 victims of Torture. Current estimates, however, of far more crimes, such as massacres of small farmers and Indigenous peoples, infrastructure projects in the Amazon were standing in the way. Accountable, no one was pulled up today. An Amnesty law guaranteed the military to impunity.

President Bolsonaro: threat or hope?, 01.01.2019 Atlas |Brazil |Brasilia

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