After 580 days behind bars is sentenced to a long prison term Brazilian Ex-President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva in freedom. The 74-Year-old left on Friday, the police headquarters of Curitiba, where he had served since April, 2018, a prison sentence for corruption. Shortly before, a judge in the city had been arranged in the South of the country for his provisional release.

The former head of state was received by many fans excited, as he stepped over to the side of his lawyers and the Chairman of his workers party (PT), Gleisi Hoffmann, from the gate of the police headquarters. Lula reached out a clenched fist to the sky and hugged a lot of people.

presumption of innocence

Recently, the Supreme court had decided that in the first and second instance criminal convicted offender to the exhaustion of all legal remedies allowed to remain at large.

Because the innocence of the applicable presumption, until the exhaustion of all legal remedies, is an early detention of inadmissible, stated the judge. So they paved the way for the release of Thousands of Convicted, including Lula.

Because of corruption of the former head of state served currently, an eight-year prison sentence. He is said to have accepted by the construction companies OAS, the renovation of luxury apartments in the seaside resort of Guarujá and the company in return, on behalf of the parastatal oil Company Petrobras in view have made. Lula has denied the accusations and speaks of a political conspiracy against him.

millions of people from poverty

Lula pulled a long time was considered the guiding light of the Latin American Left. With social programs he brought millions of people out of bitter poverty. Economically booming Brazil during his term in office (2003-2010). However, the corruption in the largest economy of the Region flourished under his presidency.

Due to its condemnation of Lula could not participate in last year’s presidential election, where the popular left-wing politicians who had, according to surveys good chances of a return to the highest office had.

Instead, the ultra-right Ex-military Jair Bolsonaro moved into the presidential Palace. Made his Minister of justice, he Sérgio Moro – those judges that had brought Lula behind bars.

In the course of the investigation into the biggest corruption scandal in Latin America, “Lava Jato” (Car wash), the semi-public Oil company Petrobras is in Brazil against dozens of politicians, officials and entrepreneurs determined. (nag/Reuters)

Created: 08.11.2019, 21:05 PM