“Brazil is reported to move Israelambassad”

“It’s a just a matter of time before Brazil move its embassy in Israel to Jerusalem, says the israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu during his visit in Brazil.”

“Netanyahu has met with the president-elect Jair Bolsonaro, who stands far out on the right wing. From both sides expressed hopes for good relations.”

“– Bolsonaro said to me that it is a question of when, not if, he will move the embassy to Jerusalem, said Netanyahu at a meeting with representatives of the jewish community in Brazil, in Rio de Janeiro.”

“the Brazilian embassy is located in the day in Tel Aviv. Like many other countries, who stands behind a two-state solution in the conflict between the israelis and the palestinians has so far avoided to place his mission to Jerusalem. The US executed recently, president Donald Trump’s decision on a ambassadflytt to Jerusalem.”

“Jair Bolsonaro will take over as president on 1 January.”