Colorful, open-minded, tolerant – the carnival is presented in Rio. However, this Image gets scratches: Gays and lesbians are afraid to celebrate as openly as before. Main reason: the new President.
For years, also the lively carnival in Brazil: gay-lesbian street carnival at Praça Quinze in downtown Rio. Lots of glitter on sun-tanned skin, men dance with men and women, here also in Public kiss a woman.
Tamires is a piece of freedom. “I could not go to the carnival parade for straight people,” she says. “With my costume, you would try to grab me immediately. Here I feel free, Gay and lesbian people respect each other.”
“Sexual Assault is unfortunately normal here”
the carnival in Brazil is so colorful and revealing the tolerance has its limits. Homosexuals need to carefully watch where you are allowed to detect it. Brazil allows same-sex marriage, and presents itself like to be open and tolerant. However, in the population there are still many prejudices and, accordingly, there are always Abuses. Against Gays, against lesbians, and especially against transsexuals. There are also the Dead
“Today, for example, I pulled an extra something about the costume, about it, to come here – as a kind of camouflage, so to speak,” says Tamires. “But still, it always comes back to sexual Assault – which is, unfortunately, normal around here.”
In Rio there’s even a Samba-school, particularly gay and lesbian couples to its members. However, many Gays and lesbians do not dare to celebrate openly, as before. (Archive image from 2007)
President against Gay and lesbian
And the pendulum swings back again: Instead of more acceptance of gay sexual against the wind. Especially since the election of the current President Jair Bolsonaro in the past year. Had almost rushed obsessed against Gays and lesbians. The wanted to destroy the traditional family and tried even small children to change the polarity, to make you gay such statements were one of the main pillars of his election campaign.
Bolsonaro has brought a few laws on the way. But the climate has changed, say many. In the consequence of homophobia and prejudice are back on the scene.
“There is both verbal as well as physical Assaults,” says Leandra. “I’m a black, lesbian woman. I’ve been threatened with violence.” We suggest you, if you should kiss a woman, threatened her. “Don’t hurt me, I don’t know if I can leave the house and you treated me out there. And that we have this government hurts even more.”
Bolsonaro has set out in the election campaign open on homophobia.
“on a Machos
” could improve the legal position of homosexuals in Brazil. The Supreme court must soon decide on two actions. In the result discrimination could be on the basis of sexual orientation is prohibited. Some hope that this improves the life for Gays and lesbians.
“If this is law, it will be safer for us. Since then, the legislature will protect us,” says Uriel. But not all believe that a prohibition of discrimination slightly improved. “Because it is not just about laws,” says Tamires. “You also have to bring the police to respect us. Because in Brazil, it uses nothing, if we adopt a law against something.”
And Taise adds: “Even if we had a law that protects us, our culture is a macho culture. Very heavily on the macho-oriented.”
Brazil – New fear of homophobia in the carnival
Ivo Marusczyk, ARD Buenos Aires
28.02.2019 11:50 PM
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the extreme Right is the new President, 28.10.2018 New fear of homophobia in Rio, I. Marusczyk |audio Atlas |Brazil |Rio de Janeiro