FARUM (ekstrabladet): FC Copenhagen broke the curse.

For the first time in 2199 days managed copenhageners to win on its synthetic turf in Farum, and the rumble on towards the gold.

Stale Solbakkens crew has won all the matches in the mesterskabsslutspillet, and when they also download three points on the hated artificial turf in Farum, it is difficult to see what or who will stop them.

Victory in Brøndby, victory in the Park over FC Midtjylland and win at the Community’s artificial turf.

It has been a perfectly sensible week’s time for FCK, who ruled the showdown in Farum with two scores around the half-hour.

First netted Viktor Fischer, then profited Dame N’Doye of a målmandsfejl of Peter Vindahl Jensen.

In the 2. half beating Robert Forest and made sure that the first FCK-win in Farum ago 15. april 2013 was the compelling digits.

The first shouts of victory gjaldede in addition to the stadium an hour and a half before kick-off. FCK’s was met with strong in numbers up in the Us, and the message from the sun-tribune was not to be mistaken.

Now, it should be!

FC Nordsjælland was without the karantæneramte profiles Victor Nelsson and Mads Valentin Pedersen, but started now draw quite well anyway.

They managed to do the first half of 1. half an equal affair without the big chances.

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Victor Fischer scored safely to 1-0 after 26 minutes. Photo: Tariq Mikkel Khan/Ritzau Scanpix

In the 26. minutes came the first, and the translated Viktor Fischer safely to the goal.

After a sweeping attack played Jonas Wind elegant Fischer free close to the goal, and matchvinderen from the derby passed Peter Vindahl Jensen of FC Nordsjalland target.

Karlo Bartolec was short after the opportunity to equalize, when he smart driblede through the FCK-defence, but Denis Vavro got thrown out and blocked the end.

Robert Woods tried out shortly after the half-hour with one of his infamous free-kick, but Vindahl was awake and got parried.

FCN-keeper on the other hand very bad a moment later, when Viktor Fischer sent a corner kick into the small field.

He struck the hard-pressed past the ball, and the hit instead, Dame N’Doye in the crotch. The senegalese striker had scored, but not without beating themselves right there, where it makes most evil…

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Dame N’Doye scored with the most holy place. Photo: Tariq Mikkel Khan/Ritzau Scanpix

Frost had unique in scandinavia because the førerhold on, they were in full control and be able to go to the break with a 2-0 lead.

Ten minutes inside the 2. half beat the League’s top scorer Robert Woods to the front of the many travelling copenhagen fans.

Jonas Wind played him free with a sublime pass, and alone with Peter Vindahl Jensen deserted Forest does not.

the 25 goals he is now noted for, and the former Silkeborg player comes closer and closer Ebbe Sands scoringsrekord on the 28.

FC Copenhagen was at least a level above the home team and showed for long periods of time champ.

Jonas Wind was in the middle of 2. half close to making it 4-0, but the FCK-the attacker’s clearance whistled just past the one post.

At the other end was Karlo Bartolec close on a reduction, but Stephan Andersen dished up with a classy fodparade.

the Keeper was a quarter of an hour before the time passed by Mikkel Damsgaards long shot, but the post saved the FCK.

Robert Forest was close to giving the 7111 spectators a goal to go home on, but for once lacked his free kick accuracy and went over the goal.

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Robert Forest closed and turned off with højrebenet, when he made it to the match result 0-3. Photo: Jens Dresling/Polfoto

the Victory means that FC Copenhagen, the minimum will be eight points down to FC Midtjylland in the last five rounds.

central jutland meetings later 2. easter Monday the oval.

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