The British Parliament wants to find out with sample ballots, on the basis of what it is holding for new solutions to the Brexit. This behavior is revolutionary?
Brexiteers as the Tory Veteran Sir Bill Cash already complain of a “constitutional Revolution”. Prime Minister Theresa May fears that “the balance of our democratic institutions is brought into the Tilting” by this action. The rebellious MP my appeasingly, that they apply only temporarily “control”. There are also normal times, it is after all, “Opposition days and backbench debates”. But the truth is, of course, that the parliamentary timetable in the normal case, the Executive. This privilege has lost the government here, in the turmoil of Brexit-riots,.

What are the rebellious parliamentarians, exactly?
Because this procedure is so unusual, it was argued on Tuesday about how to proceed. Experience in the question of such a “test-vote” is not in the Parliament. What should be the arrangements for the elections? What is to stand for election? What proposals will allow the Speaker to vote? Some of it is only on Wednesday clear.

What is the main interest?
In the core it is different variants of a “softer” Brexit, as it May calls. The Prime Minister is, of course, to the fact that freedom of movement ends at the British coastline, the European court of justice on the island has nothing more to say, and London can close your own trade treaties with around the world. Parliamentarians from all parties to urge you, but to the whereabouts in the EU internal market or in a customs Union with the EU, or in both.

there Is for one of these models, a majority?
This is the big question. Scoffers will find that it will give a corresponding assessment to two years ago, before the Declaration, had – not now, at the last Minute, without such Alternatives have been seriously discussed.

Are there any other options?
Brexit-hardliners want to see the No-Deal Option, again on the agenda, of course, would be chanceless. You push at the same time, the so-called Canada-solution: The negotiation of a free trade agreement with the EU, without all the binding on the Union. Such a solution would violate the Belfast peace agreement for Northern Ireland. This is an international Treaty and would therefore be with the EU-hardly-negotiable.

What are the chances of a new Referendum?
Also, this could come to a vote. Or this question will be dealt with separately, on a different day. Because it is rather a question of procedure than of the target. The proponents of a referendum are still searching for the best possible way and time to help your Plan to success.

you Could create it?
Previously, there was only muted approval. But lately, more and more members have made friends with the idea that each of Brexit-Deal of the population should be submitted for “endorsement”. The Alternative on the ballot paper would then remain in the EU.

Is bound to the Prime Minister Theresa May to the decisions of Parliament?
no. She feels “not decisions of this kind are bound” to Parliament, This is the next Problem for the house of Commons. May has not declared that she was ready, the members of Parliament “a blank cheque”. So nobody knows what would be, if in fact a majority for an Alternative to materialise. May the house of Commons would have to adopt in order to make the government amenable to the law. The struggle between the government and the representatives of the people should go in such a case anyway.

Believe May still be that it is “your” Deal?
Yes. A number of hard-line keep now, because you don’t want a “soft” Brexit, and certainly not a second Referendum, to support the government. However, Northern Ireland’s unionist brace themselves against Mays Deal. May such a vote on Thursday or next Tuesday could be. Rumors go around, that May your party wants to offer their resignation, if the Tories in return for their Deal votes. Some observers suspect, however, that May’s Parliament-wants to trigger fresh elections.

How it goes?
A local cartoon shows a psychic who sits in front of a table full of crystal balls – visibly distraught. Actually, Theresa May, with the EU had agreed that you can be on your Deal “this week” vote. Meanwhile, the faith of individual parliamentarians that the sample of votes in the next week could go on and on. It is clear that the voters of this Chaos are tired. Recent surveys conducted by the respected National centre for social research showed that only 7 percent of all Britons believe that the government carried out the Brexit “good work”. Asked whether they wanted to leave the EU, say 46% Yes and 54 percent no.

(editing Tamedia)

Created: 26.03.2019, 18:40 PM