Three cities – everywhere the same answer: Theresa May has unsuccessfully advertised for Brexit-renegotiations. At home in London there are increasing signs for a motion of censure.
The British Prime Minister Theresa May is to their European Tour back in London. What has she achieved? Especially warm words. But concrete concessions could bring May neither from The Hague, Berlin, Brussels.
The Treaty was the best possible Deal for the United Kingdom, said European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker. “There is no room for renegotiation.”
“the Long and open,” was the conversation with May, EU Council President Donald Tusk after his Meeting with the British head of government. If the EU wishes to help May, of course, said Tusk – “the only question is how.”
the main point of contention in the UK is the EU demanded a guarantee for an open border between the EU-state of Ireland and British Northern Ireland, the so-called Backstop. Brexit advocates fear that in the exit contract provided for a solution to the UK binds to duration closely to the EU. You want a time limit. The has rejected the EU but always.
the Prime Minister May, hopes to Meet the EU-Brexit-agreement
tagesschau at 20:00, 11.12.2018, Markus Preiß, ARD, Brussels
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