The Brexit should be no “never-ending story”, warns the Vice-President of the European Parliament Gebhardt. She pleads, therefore, for a concrete decision until Friday.
The Vice-President of the European Parliament Gebhardt rejects a Brexit-delay.
The Vice-President of the European Parliament, Evelyne Gebhardt, is not opposed to a further Brexit-delay, if the UK says no later than Friday, as it is concrete to go on.
“Actually, we don’t want a Brexit, and if so, then in no case a hard Brexit. But we can’t accept that it is a never-ending story,” she said of the “Heilbronner Stimme”.
a decision is scheduled on Wednesday
so Far, the UK to the EU on 12. April – next Friday – leaves. To avoid a chaotic break, the British Prime Minister Theresa May in a Letter to EU-great-grandson, Donald Tusk, to a postponement of up to 30. June asked.
Tusk calls for a flexible extension of the outlet open for a period of up to twelve months. The decision is likely to fall in case of a Brexit-a special summit in Brussels on Wednesday.
EU Council President Donald Tusk (l) and British Prime Minister Theresa May (R)
“whether it is the appointment of Jan or the of Tusk: None of these data is acceptable, if not up to 12. April made clear, where the journey is going,” said Gebhardt. “If the Parliament and the government remain at a sluggish Jein, we can make no extension. This is only possible, if there is a clear message.” She was “happy to wait until the end of the year, but only if it is visible, that there is a solution,” she added.
Brexit negotiations
The British Finance Minister Philip Hammond expressed confidence the talks with the Opposition on a way out of Brexit-cul-de-SAC The discussions with the Labour party would go on, he said at a Meeting of EU Finance Ministers in Bucharest. “I am optimistic that we will reach some kind of Agreement.” The government’s approach was to go without red lines and with an open mind in the talks.
the speech: The Brexit negotiations between the government and the largest opposition party, Labour, is reports In many media, however, from a standstill appear to be on the spot. Both sides are reported ready, the talks over the weekend to continue – from the Labour side, it is said, however, that there is no concrete dates.
With information from Thomas Spickhofen, ARD Studio London.
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