The British taxes on the hard-Brexit, the EU refuses to renegotiate. Today’s Meeting of head of government May and the EU-top brought back a breakthrough, for a further appointment.

The European Union and the UK have agreed to new talks about the Brexit. Both sides want to find a way for an orderly withdrawal of Britain from the EU. The agreed Prime Minister, Theresa May, and the EU Commission chief Jean-Claude Juncker, in their deliberations in Brussels.

According to a Commission spokesperson would like to meet with both leaders by the end of the month once again, and about possible results of the talks advice. “Robust and constructive” was today’s conversation, it was said afterwards by the EU Commission. Both the EU and the UK have already made “significant concessions”.

No Changes to the divorce contract

Re-negotiating the exit agreement is not intended to be – at least not from the point of view of the EU. The Juncker made in the 90-minute conversation. The EU, however, was prepared, and an accompanying political Declaration to develop to be in future relationships, “ambitious, with a view on the content and speed”. The had offered the EU side, the British on several occasions.

May language, according to an EU spokesman, via different options, in order to defuse the main point of contention: the “Backstop”solution to avoid controls at the Irish border. After that, the UK should remain in the customs Union with the EU until the trade relations are regulated. As may’s proposals, there was no information. The Prime Minister is under enormous pressure, because you must bring the Brexit agreement by the London house.