Foreign Football “Emiliano Sala was left in the lurch by Cardiff City and had to travel from Nantes to Cardiff?” At least, that is what the former agent Willie McKay says in an extensive interview on the BBC. The Shot was hit hard after it was revealed that he the fatal flight of the late Argentine attacker had arranged, but now biting so. Though it appears from the leaked screenshots of a WhatsApp conversation between Sala and an agent in Cardiff that the above statement of McKay yet, what with the hair pulled…

After Sala (28), and his signature was taken at Cardiff City, and with its 17 million euros, the most expensive acquisition ever was of the Bluebirds , he flew on January 19, went back to France to say goodbye to his former teammates. On 21 January he would be in the direction of Wales draw, but the Piper Malibu N264DB which he and pilot David Ibbotson the Channel crossed, would soon from the radar disappear. The inanimate body of Sala was 13 days later found, that of Ibbotson, is still missing. Willie McKay, who became involved in the case because his son, Mark McKay, the interests of Nantes promoted in the transfer, took care of the last flight of Sala. He did that with David Henderson, an experienced pilot who McKay and a pack of his players “several times safely through Europe flew.”

They buy a player for 17 million euro, to him then to leave it behind in a hotel where he his flight, had to go to arrange

Willie McKay over Cardiff City

also Read the Pilot of regretted Sala did not have proper permits during fatal flight

McKay knew the plane did not and he didn’t know who it would go to control. But that Sala so on a unknown flight, with an unknown pilot got, is according to McKay, so for a large part, to Cardiff City. “Nobody at Cardiff seemed to do something. It was actually a bit embarrassing for the club. They buy a player for 17 million euro, to him then to leave it behind in a hotel where he his flight was going to arrange. I think Cardiff here in the error is. The way in which they have acted, is outrageous.”