Brussels brussels licks for the third Monday in a row, her wounds after a tumultuous weekend. This time, the ‘march against Marrakesh for big damage. “The arrested rioters will pay for the costs if it can be demonstrated the damage they have caused”, says the city.

Monday morning, pulled the normal life around the Schuman square is quiet again. The opkuisdiensten of the city have hard work delivered to the disaster that yesterday was caused to forget. Yet the memory of the violent confrontation is not far away. Broken pavers, loose signs, and broken windows, the damage that Monday to measure. Also the merchants around the square to recover from the events. With 5.500 pulled the demonstrators against the UN-migratiepact to the rond-point Schuman. There turned the demonstration after the speeches of the organizers of the violence. Both the police and media were the target.


The operator of the Exki on the square, Mohammed Akkar, saw yesterday how a group of heethoofden around half past two, from the parc du Cinquantenaire and the square was incurred. “I have the door immediately locked,” says the excited owner. “I had customers binnenzitten, including a woman with a baby. When the door started to drag, became the wife, in a panic,” he continues. The damage to his case remained at all limited. “Our garbage has to be believed”, adds the manager.