the cranes towering over the cities and moves almost around the clock over the rooftops. Concrete panels will be driven to the site on large trucks, while foundation to even a large construction cast.

There is great activity at the construction sites around Denmark, while there is a shortage of labor in precisely the same industry. Therefore, experiencing the building at the moment a reallønstigning, which has not been seen since the financial crisis.

the Increase is three percent, and it can be felt in the Building, construction and Trækartellet (BAT) is a professional organization for seven LO associations in the construction sector.

– the Real wage rises, and it is the, that is interesting. Inflation is important to have when you go out and buy food, a holiday or a new kitchen. Inflation is at one and a half percent, so it provides a real købekraftspring, says Gunde Odgaard, head of secretariat in the BAT.

Although there is currently is big efterspørgel of labor, there is, however, not completely the same wage increases as in the years before the financial crisis. Gunde Odgaard points out that the increase here of up to six percent.

According to him, there are a variety of reasons why companies are reluctant to pay the wage increases. It’s all about, that there is ample opportunity to hire foreign labor, and that many construction workers have been more faithful to their company.

– There are so many virksomhedsskift, as we have seen during previous booms. Virksomhedsskift reects the often that you can earn more somewhere else, ” says Gunde Odgaard.

He also think, however, that the parties to the building men have a part to say in the temperate wage increases.

Many women believe that the man must have a permanent job. In 2007 we saw this trend, and I believe that it has been reinforced in the intervening years, he says.

According to the DA Statistics the average salary in the construction industry on the 195,64 dollars per hour in the third quarter of 2018.

real wages increase comes after a series of crisis, where wage increases were minimal and in outright decline. According to Gunde Odgaard showed construction big krisebevidsthed during the financial crisis. A trend not so in other places.

Among managers, directors and officers of officergangene took one of the well paid anyway, and we found ourselves at the bottom of the hierarchy. Therefore, it is absolutely right and proper that we should also get part of the ascent now. If we should not have lønfremgang during a boom, so I would like to know when we must have it, he asks.

The favorable development is due according to Gunde Odgaard, there is a great belief in the future, and that both companies and ejendomsfirmaer are beginning to build everything from office premises to business premises. Institutional investors such as pension funds also see construction as an alternative to the more common investments.

And finally, there is the demographic development in Denmark, which, according to the executive secretary of the BAT also affects the construction industry.

– It is not necessarily the bricks, which creates population growth. It is more of young people who have children and choose to stay. But it also requires a slightly larger apartment, and it is to create a construction boom, says Gunde Odgaar and states:

– The basic is that Denmark has a strong, orderly economy, and that there is a faith in the future.

But Gunde Odgaard also look with a bit of suspicion on the way the construction industry develops in.

– I have the suspicion, when I look around in the industry and talking with people who have sense on it, that the orders do not come in the same power and scope as they did in the past, he says, and continues:

– Not that I’m going to paint the devil on the wall and say that now crashes the whole thing on a little. For it, I do not think it does. But I think there comes a slowdown.

There are currently around 170,000 employees in byggeribranchen in Denmark, but that may not be, points to the executive secretary.

– When we talk together for some years, there may be talk about the fact that we only have 160.000 in the construction industry instead of 170.000. But of course they are probably other places, where there is more wind in the sails.