2014, the combat mission of NATO in Afghanistan ended. Many Federal soldiers returned with psychological problems. According to a newspaper report, the number of new has fallen sick since then.

years after the end of the combat mission of the Bundeswehr in Afghanistan, the number of war trauma affected the soldiers back. In 2018, a use-related post was at 182 soldiers-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), newly diagnosed, twelve more than in the year 2017, as the “Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung”, referring to the medical service of the Bundeswehr reported.

The military representative of the Bundeswehr, Hans-Peter Bartels, presented on Tuesday its annual report.

The number of other deployment-related disorders such as depression, decreased according to the medical service easily. In total, had been diagnosed, therefore, in the last year 279 of the soldiers with a deployment-related psychiatric disorder were approximately as many new cases as of 2017, with 274 cases. The actual number is probably higher, because only the cases that are dealt with in Bundeswehr facilities are counted.

to be Concerned, report to a later date

A spokesman for the defense Ministry told the newspaper, often Affected to take the first years after the triggering event “one of our many ways to help true.” The defence Commissioner of the Bundestag, Hans-Peter Bartels, assumes that “many soldiers are to report at a later time, because only today PTSD as a physical injury is seen”.

For many soldiers, the diseases are now chronic and it is questionable whether the Bundeswehr could meet the existing treatment still needs to be adequately, especially in the psychiatric departments of the Bundeswehr hospitals, a part of the job was not occupied. Overall, there is much to be but better. Bartels presents on Tuesday its annual report.

The combat mission of NATO in Afghanistan ended in 2014. The Bundeswehr is only for training and advising the Afghan armed forces in the country.

Bundeswehr in Afghanistan: a diagnosis of PTSD, 25.01.2012 Atlas |Germany |Berlin

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