“Bake – Bakrecept for backing”
“Rolls – recipe for juicy vetebulle with stuffing”
“Rolls – classic vetebulle with the filling and the cream”
“Finally it’s time for semlor. Here is a great recipe on the classic semla filled with almond paste and cream. Let them ferment properly so they become fluffy and soft. Pour the icing sugar in tesilen and sprinkle over so they see as looking out at the bakery.”
“Number: 8 servings Preparation time: 15 minutes Cooking time: 1 + 1 hour of fermentation – 10 minutes baking – 10 minutes installation”
“Tips! Do you want to do a different bun? Maybe a chokladsemla? Mix in 1 teaspoon of cocoa to the cream before whipping it. Ochu002Feller add 2 tablespoons of cocoa at the same time that you mix in the wheat flour in bulldegen.”