Had I been four, five seconds later out, had I not been sitting here. I had griseflaks.

It says bus driver Steinar Maråker to Dagbladet the day after the bus he brought in Geiranger was close to being taken by an avalanche.

The experienced bus driver that is running for Nettbuss and previously has been a union representative, running the current stretch past the Grande in Geiranger, two times a day.

He tells Dagbladet that he looks always a little bit up on the mountain tops when there is a lot of snow. Maråker live even in the area, and says that he is “accustomed to avalanches”.

But yesterday he did not avalanche before it was too late.

the Bus was seconds from being taken by the avalanche in the Geiranger – Only white

It was only in the mirrors, just after he passed rasstedet, that he noticed the avalanche.

– I looked in the mirror, and there was only white. Even if one looks up in the mountains, one comes so fast that you don’t have the opportunity to get away if something happens, ” says the bus driver.

GRISEFLAKS: bus driver Steinar Maråker believe he had “griseflaks” that avoided yesterday’s avalanche in Geiranger. Photo: Private Show more

Maråker told us that there were passengers on board the bus.

– Fortunately I was alone.

Although he and others in the area are accustomed to avalanches during the winter, he describes this winter that is a bit special.

It has come so much løssnø at a time, and passed lots of landslides.

– Was nervous,

the Police received a message about the avalanche at 16.09 Wednesday afternoon. There were several witnesses to the almost-accident, among other His Martin Homlong, that the Newspaper interview yesterday.

He filmed the almost-accident.

– You hear on the video that we were nervous, ” said Homlong to the Newspaper.

He was on a trip with her partner and his daughter when he caught sight of the avalanche. When he began to film, and then he got the eye on the bus.

– Had the avalanche gone faster, had not the bus had a chance, said Homlong.

He works in the fire department, and went up to rasstedet afterwards to secure and block the road.

Here comes the avalanche: – Survive this? Large landslides

It is not more than two weeks ago it was a considerably larger rockslides in Geiranger. The slide was about 100 metres wide and 5 metres high, and went across the road 63 by Grandeneset at Geiranger.

As a result of the landslide was the village almost completely isolated. To get out, had to use the boat.

Yesterday’s landslide was “relatively small”, according to the bus driver Maråker. He estimates the width to have been seven, eight feet.

Furthermore, he describes the way that rasutsatt.

– To make the road safe, one must create the tunnel, ” he says.

GEIRANGER: joint rescue coordination centre Southern Norway, reported just before the clock 15 about an avalanche over the Road 63 Geiranger. The police advised that the avalanche is approx. 100 metres wide and 5 metres high. Video: Sander Mossberg Furniture Show more