Neither Spesialenheten for police matters that lead prosecutors against Eirik Jensen, or riksadvokatembete answer Dagbladet questions about the citation of the Tor Aksel Busch and Oslo’s chief of police Hans Sverre Sjøvold.
Thomas Randby, which, together with Sidsel Katralen and John Christian the midst of the Fire, defends the earlier polititoppen Eirik Jensen, admits facing the newspaper Dagbladet that he is surprised.
SURPRISED: Attorney Thomas Randby is surprised that Busch and Sjøvold to testify against Eirik Jensen Photo: Ole Berg-Rusten / NTB Scanpix Show more
– I have no more comments than that we were surprised that the prosecutors now to attend both the chief of police Sjøvold and riksadvokat Busch, says Thomas Randby to the Newspaper.
Spesialenheten for police matters was actually finished with his presentation of evidence before christmas. But in the christmas in was it known that Spesialenheten had called two new witnesses.
After what the Newspaper experience was defense first aware of the new witnesses, after they had made ready their vitneliste.
WITNESS: In the morning take the chief of police Hans Sverre Sjøvold vitneboksen in the case against Eric Jensen. Photo: Jacques Hvistendahl Show more
In criminal cases, it is common that the prosecutors first do finished its witnesses, the defense then avhører their in the right.
Chief of police Hans Sverre Sjøvold, who went on this is chu tu together Eirik Jensen, was Jensen’s boss the last few years, before the investigation against polititoppen started at the turn of the year 2013-2014.
Now five years later, he is summoned as ekstravitne against Jensen.
Riksadvokat Tor-Aksel Busch to give his testimony this coming Friday. It is very unusual that the director of public prosecutions submits testimony in a Norwegian courtroom.
ANKESAK: Tuesday, 28. august begins the appeal against Eirik Jensen and Gjermund Cappelen in the Borgarting court of appeal. Jensen was one of Norway’s most distinguished policemen, but ended to be sentenced to 21 years ‘ imprisonment for gross corruption and drug trafficking in one of norways most mention litigation. Video: Nicolai Delebekk Show more