“Jan björklund’s departure”

“Busch Thor after björklund’s departure: ”Ended not as beautiful as the began to””

“Reactions to Jan björklund’s choice”

“Jan Bjorklund’s resignation as party leader. He sets not up for re-election during the party’s landsmöte in november. “

“On Twitter will both praise and tangy passing of his resignation.”

“”Now finished, cooperation is not as nice as it started, but on a personal level, I wish you the best of luck and hopefully a slightly less hectic existence in the future”, tweet, Ebba Busch Thor. “

“KD-leader Ebba Busch Thor writes on Twitter:”

“‘ Thank you Jan for your years in politics. We have had many fun and great moments as colleagues the last few years. Now finished, cooperation is not as nice as it started, but on a personal level, I wish you the best of luck and hopefully a slightly less hectic existence in the future”. “

“A moment later tweet her a link to the Outcasts song Hey ya. A pass to a debate in the Agenda of the then Busch Thor did not want to share the table with Björklund.”

“”PS. Twitter: can you fix the song until the day he really leave? I can record a new soundbite to anyone who undertakes the task”. “

“Also Jonas Sjöstedt twitter to pay tribute:”

“‘ Thank you Jan for the many good debates and a clear set of political contradictions. I have appreciated that you give and take in debate with a good mood”. “

“Prime minister Stefan Löfven praises Björklund”

“I want to thank Jan Björklund, for his efforts for Sweden”

“Bali: ”Stood for the light and the truth””

“the Conservatives Hanif Bali writes in a text message to Aftonbladet that he will miss björklund’s characteristics as a leader.”

“”Without Björklund had american democracy matured. We had practically been faced with a fascist takeover in Sweden without Jan Björlund. He has been the bastion which stood for light and truth against the dark abyss. Jan björklund’s legendary performance will be immortalized in our hearts and retold to our children”, writes Hanif Bali.”

“When Aftonbladet asked him if överorden he says: ”I have only positive things to say about Jan björklund’s departure”. “

“Research, ”Have meant a lot to Sweden””

“Jan Björklund has meant a lot for Sweden. We have long worked close to each other, and I have appreciated him as a person and his liberal compass,” writes Annie Lööf, the Centre party leader, on Twitter.”

“Göran Hägglund, the former leader of the Christian democratic party will miss Björklund in the political arena.”

“– Jan has been incredibly stimulating to work with, they are a positive, curious and dedicated person who has made outstanding contributions for the Liberals but also for the alliance government. It is no secret that the ruling coalition parties had agreed have chosen different paths when it comes to regeringsfrågan, but it is important to respect each other’s choices, ” says Hägglund to Aftonbladet. “

“Ulf Kristersson writes on Instagram:”

“‘ Thank you Jan for your efforts in Swedish politics. From the Stockholm city hall, via the parliament, the government and to the parliament again. 12 years as party leader, and even more in the leading policy. Always close to a laugh. We have, as known, are not always enjoyed equally, but has been equally committed to. And as one of your predecessors, Per Ahlmark, once said: good Luck!” “

“Gustav Fridolin, the green party one mouthpiece which itself departs in may, writing on Facebook:”

“”Thank you Jan Björklund for honest fajter, great commitment and, not least, the back straight when far-right extremism had coffee after the influence”. “