People who move from the urban centers to the peripheral areas do so primarily for their quality of living. According to Fotocasa, buyers are particularly aware of this trend. This includes those who bought in the past 12 months or intend to buy. It is not surprising that 51% of respondents support the search for quieter areas. 38% prefer a higher quality of life.

“Citizens have changed their housing preferences and needs, which has created a huge demand for housing to improve their living conditions. Second homes, new typologies, and features in the home, such as natural lighting and large spaces that have access to the outdoors, are needed together, says Maria Matos (director of Studies, spokesperson for Fotocasa).

These are the top-rated market needs. This is why it is not surprising that people are looking for more tranquility and well-being. It is because “improving quality of life” is a major demand. These aspects are much easier to find in the suburbs than in large cities.

The demand for rural housing continues to be directed “towards beaches and coastal areas, encouraging a rural exodus to where they can find a second home, or their habitual residence.”