the employer and the Verdi apart in the wage dispute for the 14,000 employees of the BVG and its subsidiary, Berlin Transport far – very far. A second strike is considered likely. On Tuesday evening has decided the tariff Commission, after an advice about the offer of the LPP for a further strike. Next Thursday, the 14. March, is to be carried out in the bus area, a further warning strike from start of operation until 22 PM.

“the goal is to increase this warning strike, the pressure on the employer in the ongoing negotiations. With the decision of the tariff Commission’s response to the inadequate offer of the employer, of conditions of work also includes significant deterioration,“ said Jeremy Arndt, ver.di-negotiator. The tariff Commission had rejected the offer made by the employer over “65 million Euro for the financing of the cloak – and-fee round in the case of BVG, and the Berlin Transport” as inadequate. In the case of the “core requirements to a collective bargaining agreement” would show the employer no.

at the lunch Arndt had formulated before journalists shows that the employers ‘ offer was inadequate. The negotiations were “very difficult,” said Arndt. “We have to ask ourselves whether the employer has recognized the seriousness of the situation.” The driver had the merit, in the meantime, “the Federal-wide tail light”. The drivers make up the largest part of the staff.

Jeremy Arndt said that due to the poor earnings “many colleagues consider to leave the LPP” – in other States or even in Switzerland. The resistance of the BVG spokeswoman Petra clove is not the way of language: “The race for us”. Of the 14,000 employees exactly four to the S-Bahn had changed, it said.

dispute over hours a week and Bonus

in mid-February, there had been a first big warning strike – all U-Bahn trains, trams and almost all buses remained nearly nine hours in the operating stations. The employers have offered, as reported, a package of 65 million euros a year, equivalent to up to twelve per cent, more wages. Verdi calls for a 36.5 hour working week for all and much more, like 500 Euro Bonus for Union members and changed Eingruppierungen.

According to the BVG, the claims would have additional costs in the amount of 99.3 million euros per year. Therefore, the company rejects the claims strictly. “So as not to jeopardise the company”, – was stated in the BVG. You have to set in this year, 1350 new employees, of which 760 driver to retirement and can do more rides to offer. In the case of a working week of 36.5 hours for all the BVG would not have to setup more than 500 people – what can be done. “We don’t discuss,” said clove.

This was the BVG strike – here are the pictures to view more pictures 1 of 22Foto: dpa15.02.2019 12:32BVG-warning strike : Standing trains the U-Bahn station Krumme Lanke in Berlin-Zehlendorf.Back Next

Since 2005, need to work, all newly hired employees 39 hours, which now represents half of the workforce. Is upset the BVG that Verdi had increased the initially collected and in the Public communicated claims, which added up to 60 million per year, due to subsequent receivables to less than 100 million euros.

the “willingness to work, fighting is very high”

Several of the Verdi raised allegations referred to the LPP as just plain wrong. Arndt said that the BVG wants to eliminate the four-minute turnaround time for the driver at the end of the line. Not true, counters, the BVG: They wanted only the consent of the divide together for eight minutes on both Ends on five and three minutes, to be with the schedules more flexible.

The Verdi criticised the fact that the previous Commitments made by the BVG are said to be subject to funding being available, because the LPP had not yet spoken with the Senate. Not true it says here in the BVG. Of course, the Board of Directors have spoken with the relevant senators, BVG have up to a certain sum. How high this Budget is, not shared with the BVG.

The FCC has attributed to Verdi negotiator Arndt now by means of examples, how high is the tariff increases. So a driver get currently 2 168 Euro, it could be 2407 euros, in the case of craftsmen, the salary could rise from 2583 to 2867. This is eleven per cent more. This offer applies retroactively as from January for two years. In General, the lower salary groups will receive eleven percent more, and the upper seven percent plus.

According to information from Verdi functionary Arndt, the willingness to work the fight is “very high”. The offer of the LPP gave rise to the “total lack of understanding for the colleagues”. Arndt promised that there would be a possible second strike “sufficient warning time for the passengers”. During the last warning strike, Verdi had given the passengers of the BVG, four days lead time. Now it is only a day.

More about

Verdi agreement what is the status of BVG?

Stefan Jacobs

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