What is your problem with white? Are you too controversial? Are you okay?
There were many questions from Extra the Magazine’s readers, as the controversial spokesperson for Black Lives Matter in Denmark, Bwalya Sørensen, sat down to the keys at the town hall square.
Here she answered questions about the recent criticism of the separation of black and white under the Black Lives Matter demonstrations with racism around the country. Several asked if she was going to resign from the post.
– No, the actual not, because there is not really any step forward. I will and promises, as long as I can. I have a need for a presseperson, but after this week I think, the job becomes difficult to allocate, wrote Bwalya Sørensen.
See also: Bwalya Sørensen: I was called monkey on the work
Several readers would like to know why Bwalya Sørensen had a problem with white people.
– I don’t have a problem with white people, but white supremacy. In our working group we are 130 and 20 are black the rest are white. My closest old girlfriends is white, wrote Bwalya Sørensen.
– Why is it that white is not forced to go in front of the last?, would another reader know.
– It is not so much what white will, and where they stand. The focus was to gather a people in grief, explained the spokesperson.
– Must be good to be proud to be white?
– In the degree. I’m proud to be black, to be Danish, of my zambian roots and for the cave then, so I love Denmark.
So be proud of you, ” replied the spokesperson.
See also: Bwalya is fixed: Stand black and white
– What options is the black cut off from in Denmark? it said, among other things.
– From to hold a demonstration in the comfort without the massive attack from the media. Jobs where they are overqualified. Access to the clubs, access to the so-called ‘ghetto areas’, where you can get a home there to pay, said Bwalya Sørensen.
How can we as a society in Denmark to say sorry for slavetiden?
– It is a democratic country and people can continue to remind the politicians, it is necessary.
There was a movement for Godhavnsdrengene which fought until it succeeds. So I have the confidence of the Danish population. If the heart is when they are in goal.
– We could also fund that the statue ‘I am the queen Mary turns to bronze. It is actually a very important step in the right direction.
– Why do you fight the case in Denmark, when it is not your country. Had it not been more relevant in Zambia? asked a reader.
– I have been here most of my life. Three times longer than in Zambia. I’m also Danish and mix me in democracy, as I have the full right to.
– Undo you that you got shouted ‘lock them up’ on a number of Danish politicians in the heat of battle?
– I do actually, because it derails the debate. It was a joke.
See also: Ekstra Bladet says thank you to Bwalya
– How do you think the demonstrations have gone? From a scale from 1 to 10, where 10 is the best.
– I Must say 13. Now I’m old enough to the 13-scale, hahahaha. It was fantastic to get the backing and support from so many, when you have spoken up about the case in the last five years.
Several readers also asked to talspersonens work experience, but here it was small with answers.
– You indicate that you have many years of experience as an IT consultant. What companies, and how many years in total?
– Should I send my CV? hahahaha, wrote Bwalya Sørensen.
– How can you do all the work for the BLM, but does not have a normal work as the rest of the danes?
– No comments on my private life, I owe no one an explanation.
Three things, Bwalya Sørensen did not like about Denmark
Bwalya Sørensen is similar to what she did not like about the Danish society.
1. Actually I can say Sjælsmark, Ellebæk and Kærshovedgaard, but I choose to assemble them at one point. Refugees do not belong in a prison, since no escaping for fun – you choose to put them in prison.
2. Ghettoloven – People with non-western background are affected by this law, as it is implemented in Danish law. There you will find the exemplary form of structural racism.
3. Integration policy in denmark is, in itself, very exclusionary. People should have the right to stay with them the love and Denmark split families apart. Familiesammenføringsloven needs to be changed.
There were also some who sent opinions rather than questions.
Throw her out of Denmark, the idiot, came from.
Such messages I get tons of. It is not at all okay. How to killed the man Yahya Hassan. May he rest in peace, wrote Bwalya Sørensen.
– Are you okay? You have stood up to much wind the last time, how do you handle it? asked a reader.
Whew. As Meghan Markel, Prince Harry’s wife said, thank you because you asked. If it doesn’t kill you, it makes you stronger, said the spokesperson.
Community – 10. jun. 2020 – pm. 10:30 Black Lives Matter-frontperson melt together in radio