The health Commission of the national Council (SGK) is divided in the question of whether Cannabis should be submitted to enjoyment purposes in the context of research studies controlled. They rejected the bill at 11 to on 11 votes and 2 abstentions, with the casting vote of the President of the Commission, Thomas de Courten (SVP/BL), as the parliamentary services announced on Friday.

The decision is a request not to enter. The national Council will decide only whether he enters on the template or not. About the Details, he will not reside for the time being.

First of all, in principle, in favour of

In may, the Commission had declared itself in principle for an experimental article. It is an issue that around 200’000 people consumed regularly illegal Cannabis, and that the quality of the deck-no control, held them at that time. Therefore, it is necessary to examine new ways in the cannabis policy. The opponents criticized that the scientific studies have the drug abstinence to the goal. You would be much more a first step towards liberalisation.

initiatives approved

The national Council had approved last year a number of initiatives with the mission of an experimental article to introduce. SVP and CVP speak out against it. The Federal Council is already active and has presented to the Parliament a template of your own. This is limited to a period of ten years and a statutory basis for the scientific pilot would try.

the aim is to assess alternative regulatory approaches, without this in advance. Background of the refusal of a licence for a Cannabis study by the University of Bern. The Federal office of public health came to the conclusion that there is no legal basis. This gap should be closed with the experimental article.

adults Only

Before making their decision, the national Council Commission adopted a report on the protection of minors note that you had ordered. In the report published Friday by the Federal office for health (BAG) stresses that the pilot tests only adults would teach.

in Order to prevent young people could get access to study cannabis, be provided for measures. Thus, the passing of study cannabis to minors would be punishable by law. The BAG would approve Experiments only if the applicant would submit a prevention and youth protection concept.

black market problematic

With a view to the protection of minors in General, the authors point out that both the uncontrolled black market in illegal drugs, as well as a little-regulated market for legal addictive substances is problematic. In the black market, young people are at risk because of the lack of control and the criminalization stronger. Also, be less accessible for offers of help.

In a legal drug market prevention measures handles better. However, due to the free accessibility, advertising, and market incentives, the risk that more young people would be seduced to the consumer will increase. From a health and youth protection perspective, a strict state – market should therefore be sought to control, it is said in the report.

action game space low

a Lot of room for manoeuvre sees the BAG, in order to improve the protection of young people at the Cannabis. At the most, was to examine whether the criminal prosecution of minors, consumers should not be provided by the measures system replaced.

So, young people could be with offers of help support. The prohibition of the use would remain, but would not be sanctioned more criminal.

sales bans to enforce

The alcohol and tobacco Switzerland in an international comparison, according to the report, a poorly developed youth protection. Improved this advertising could be a reasonable taxation of tobacco products and E-cigarettes, a minimum price for alcohol, a night ban on the sale of alcohol, as well as comprehensive and Sponsorship prohibitions for alcohol and tobacco.

but Above all, the existing sales to young people are needed to ban. However, this would require significantly more police resources, writes the BAG.

pent-up demand for health promotion

pent-up demand has Switzerland according to the report, in addition, in the case of early health promotion. The focus here should be on strengthening disadvantaged families holding the BAG. Children from such families have an increased risk for the development of addictive disorders.

the potential for development exists also in the case of Niche products for youngsters such as cannabis therapies. In addition, demand for youth-specific inpatient treatment facilities existed.

More funding

A sustainable and effective youth protection is required on all Federal levels, significantly more financial resources, accounted for the BAG. In the Wake of the austerity measures, the relevant expenditure had been reduced in the past few years.

To counter this Trend, offering the creation of a comprehensive addiction prevention Fund. This would summarize the existing funds for tobacco and gambling. In addition, the Fund could be financed through a prevention tax on tobacco products. (sda)

Created: 15.11.2019, 16:55 PM