The Federal government wants to seize the coal countries in the next 20 years, with 40 billion euros under the arms, to the structure change to implement. A focus is placed on jobs in industry.
It’s the jobs of many people and to much money: EUR 40 billion the Federal government wants to help in the next 20 years, the coal-countries to cope with structural change. As with the phase-out of coal in the next few years many Jobs will be lost, it is the ultimate goal of creating new sustainable jobs. This is especially true for the Lausitz and Central German districts, but also for the North Rhine-Westphalian coalfields.
Patrick Graichen, head of the think tank “Agora energy transition,” is optimistic that the structural change can succeed.
Public Bodies
help in addition to the financial grants, the Federal government promises to create 5,000 additional public Bodies in the affected areas. Also other Federal agencies are to be settled in the coal regions.
Brandenburg’s Prime Minister Dietmar Woidke (SPD) was optimistic that the Lausitz region could develop a model for a structural change in the whole of Europe.
to make sure that the promised money, really, wants Woidke a state contract with the Federal government. But the will not respond well. Woidke pointed out that East Germany had a large lack of industry research. You need a Expansion of dual courses of study, and must bring companies and research institutions closer together.
Federal Minister Peter Altmaier (CDU) has the lead for the project.
industrial jobs
Also Saxony’s Prime Minister, Michael Kretschmer (CDU) is satisfied with the progress and praises, the Federal government is creating the conditions for a successful structural change.
Knut the German chamber of Commerce in Cottbus wants in the first place, many new businesses with many workstations.
The leading German Economics Minister, Peter Altmaier (CDU), called for the need to create structural change, especially manufacturing jobs, because these have the highest value added. So you can imagine Altmaier in Lusatia, the structure of a battery cell production.
vertices to the
to be adopted On the question of whether you really end up with all of the goals – environmental protection, energy-saving and new jobs – could achieve, says Patrick Graichen optimistic.
the vertices of The programme is to adopt the Federal Cabinet today. To the ‘structural strengthening law coal regions’ working in the Federal Ministry of Economics already.
40 billion for Coal lands until 2038, 05.04.2019 Commission wants Coal phase-out by 2038, 25.01.2019 news Atlas |Germany |Berlin