Office refers to the federal officials who have calculated Manaforts potential punishment, shows rettsdokumenter Friday.

Muellers people don’t come with any specific recommendation about the penalty, but set behind the calculation that shows that Manafort should spend between 19 and 24 years in prison. Manafort may also have to pay 24 million dollars in damages.

If a federal judge put itself on the same line as straffeberegningen, Manafort get the longest his imprisonment of all in the Russia investigation. 69-year-old will then run the risk to spend the rest of his life in jail.

Manafort is convicted of five cases of skattesvindel, two cases of banksvindel and to not to have entered a foreign bank account.

Trump’s former lawyer Michael Cohen has entered into an agreement with Mueller and have in another case been sentenced to three years in prison.