“Carina Berg tells us about the mysterious spökmöte”

“”this can not explain””

“Carina Berg thought that her ex-husband Kristian Luuk got home.”

“But it turned out to be something completely different that was in the house.”

“I don’t believe in ghosts but I have heard one once,” she says in her pod.”

“Carina Berg, 41, tells us about the strange experience in his pod. “

“It should have happened ten years ago when she sat and nursed her son, Holger, on the house floor. “

” I heard that my exman came home and he was downstairs in the hall. I hear Christian whisper “hello” in steps, so I say ”hello”.”

“Carina Berg explains that she responds to him, but that Kristian Luuk never came up from the stairs. “

“– So I went there but he was not there. He came home half an hour after that, ” she says in her pod. “

“Carolina Gynning, 40, seem to know what the voice was. “

“– It is a spirit that lends his body a little while to move, so it is. Spirits can take another human being and trick you to move, ” she says in the pod. “

“Carina Berg was not completely convinced that it would be something supernatural. “

“But the son must have known something.”

“– When my son Holger was 2-3 years old, he became really scared for the where the stairs are. He said that he did not want to be there because he did not want ”the conductor will take me”, says Carina Berg. “

“”Yikes, that was hard work””

“According to Carina Berg, also a friend have known of something in the stairs.”

“– When a friend of mine who is very spiritual come to our home and looked down the stairs, she said, ”ugh, that was hard,” she says. “

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