Who is Brian alias Carlos?

The young man was known in August 2013 because of the Dok-film under the Pseudonym of Carlos across the country. The Film showed how youth lawyer Hansueli Gürber tried to treat the young offender, of the countless home stays had behind and in no Institution is more portable was.

The 17-Year-old lived with a social worker in an apartment, he had a private teacher and attended a Thai Boxing Training. Cost: up to 29’000 francs per month. In this special treatment, he was the first to make progress. However, the waves are high-pitched in Public, among other things, because of the cost, compared to traditional institutions, however, in the middle of the pack.

The Canton of Zurich pulled out abruptly, the Rice line: Carlos was arrested without having committed a criminal Offence, allegedly for his own safety. Five months later, in February 2014, said the Federal court, the arrest is not lawful; a new special treatment is not more but a lot. In June 2014, entlie, the authorities shot the now 19-Year-old as untreatable. Carlos is his real name, Brian, as he did last week in one of the observations-a contribution to the public. He is a Swiss.

How it went with Brian to the end of the second special treatment?

The young man came out of the headlines. In August 2015, Brian, for the first time as an adult in court. The accusation: He had threatened an opponent with a knife. Images from a surveillance camera showed, however, that in the indictment, nothing was. The Canton had to compensate Brian for six months of unlawful detention on remand. Brian’s lawyer said at the time that his client was making progress and that was because of his schooling to catch up on.

In March of 2017, followed by the next court date. This Time, Brian was sentenced to 18 months in prison. He had missed a counterparty in a dispute with a fierce uppercut. Since then, Brian was no longer in freedom.

Why is Brian tomorrow in court again?

It comes to crimes that should be happening in 2017 and 2018 in prison. The indictment also lists a whole series of extremely foul-mouthed insults and threats, the Brian is said to have expressed with respect to the security people and police officers, ranging from “son of a bitch” and “you have no eggs” to “I declare war on you” and “I break you”.

To massive property damage in the cells, so Brian should be taken once in a window and the shards of broken glass everywhere, his name carved into it, more than once he is said to have the food flap demolished. The most serious offence is an assault on a prison employee. Him to have missed Brian suddenly several fierce blows to the head, even as the man on the floor.

What punishment Brian threatens?

the attorney for The accused, Brian, among other things, of attempted serious bodily injury, the violence and threats against officials and property damage. The Criminal complaints he wants, but only at the court hearing. In space, a life-long detention is.

it would require a conviction for aggravated assault (the rest of the offences is not enough for a custody). The other two reports would have to confirm that Brian is treatable. The Problem is that Brian refuses to cooperate with evaluators, and he denied any therapy. Whether that’s enough for a detention, it will show. Brian’s father calls for the release; the authorities had where made a lot of mistakes in dealing with his son, now it is rich.

What are the errors made by the authorities in dealing with Brian?

Since only the zig-zag to name a price, the authorities struck, under the leadership of former justice Director-Martin Graf (Green) is not after the special treatment had become known. In the summer of 2017 justice had to give Director Jacqueline Fehr (SP) that the authorities Brian people were unworthy and discriminatory treated.

The district prison of Pfäffikon had let him have, among other things, for almost two weeks sleeping on the floor, after he had repeatedly rioted. Showers, Brian couldn’t, he was only wearing a long shirt and had no underwear. His food he got without crockery and Cutlery between two slices of Bread served. Fehr said the prison authorities had been overwhelmed by Brian. But before authorities and institutions were always helpless. Particularly striking In the psychiatric University hospital they tied up the then-16-Year-old for two weeks in bed. An investigation of this incident, the prosecution dropped.

Why is Brian so violent?

This question is difficult to answer. An opinion gives him a severe antisocial personality disorder. But that doesn’t explain everything. Sure that Brian was already as a small child is challenging and difficult. The parents fluctuated between neglect and Coddling. In school, he soon fell negative. Initially, the school suspected that the Boy was gifted, later diagnosed ADHD. The parents wanted to give her a child, but no Ritalin.

Created: 29.10.2019, 16:36 PM