– yesterday I got the message from the case officer that if I was grumbling me more, they will make it hard for me to get her back.
But on the other hand, I would very much like to ha’ that her diary is read, when she has it bad and not thrive.
– I wish that someone soon wakes up and sees the problem with it here anbringelseshelvede and what it does to my daughter.
– Because it is not in order and she is sad of it every day.

so begins XXXX an email to the nation! about the unfortunate situation she and her 15-year-old daughter has ended up in. XXXXX has in the past here on the nation! described how much her daughter feared being tvangsfjernet. It happened in the article Mother cried when the letter came: The 15-year-old wept when the police brought her(463 comments) and now that her daughter has been forced away from his mother in nearly a month, so do you think that everyone should have to know how a Danish municipality can decide on, to behave over a 15-year-old, and it admits the municipality – are very closely related to his mother:

Extract from the municipality’s decision from september 2018. the

the Municipality’s decision from september 2018.

Here is the daughter’s diary.
You can write a good piece of advice or a nod to the two in the comment box below:


the Police came at 17 and forced me away. It was scary and hard, the way it was done, and they knew not very much and spent an hour calling around to the different places in the city where I should be and get hold of a caseworker, as so not to get fat on to begin with.

When we arrived at the place of stay, they said it was not a prison. But if I’m away from the site they will pick me again with police help.

Will not be treated as a girl my age , but a child of 5 years .. There is a lock on the brooks side of the door, but I can’t unlock it and the staff get into without asking or waiting. There are dirty and I feel alone and scared and miss my mother.

Have been alone without an adult / supervision at 7.40 to 12: 00 and now get the message that I need to go to a new place of residence.

Children are screaming and crying and running away from opholdstedet and will be retrieved back again. The staff is talking ugly to the kids and to me and I have not eaten food yet, because I’m on my space, since I’m scared and uncomfortable and want to run my way.

Alone on the ground, the other on the trip. No staff look after me.

They want me to be with the other children and the staff, but I do not trust them. Miss my mother.

today I experienced that the other young people smoking hash. Do not understand why I was taken from my mother and my school, although I don’t like school and only have friends from another school. Also miss my sport..

The new place is there lots of noise every day for at 24, and it smells of smoke.

today I have been in bed all day and are scared and feel empty and miss my mother. The staff try hard to get into on me, but it’s not going to happen.

today is good – I get a visit from the mother in an hour, and where goes the time however fast. When she was there came staff check all the time and asked about the stuff and I did want to say, they should take their way, and let me be with my mother. The mother may only be here in an hour and no more, says the examiner.

today I was her mother at work. Nice to get away from the noise and the feel of security in the piece of time it takes to work.

the Boy who lives next to me smoking marijuana and drinking and to visit his lady. Would like to away from here and keep it out. Is starting to lose me and lose my hair.

Understand not to allow marijuana and drugs and binge drinking. Even if they have a letter about the rules, so compliance must be made by the young people and they know who they can lace and not lace up, but drunk through / taken substances inside of their room, and we young people can go as we will.

the Noise of the night. An older boy ran away from the spot to download herion. They played loud music also at 5.30 and went to the local tank in order to buy cigarettes.

Hate my caseworker and want to get a new one, but the municipality will not allow. She does not listen to me . I am not used to the kind of young

and do not understand why I was going away when I have it better at home and not here, where I am afraid.

There are many weird people that come and go here. Was promised pocket money and it should be 200 kr after the conversation at the meeting when I should start, but it apparently it was not. 130 dkk

today I had to be with the mother and she must come at 15. We were told that if we do not cooperate with the municipality, must I be moved to a different place.

Mother came at 15, and I have to go home and be there for Sunday and I am excited to sleep through, as I do here

it’s Great to feel in security with the mother and be able to sleep instead of the noise / slamming doors and the boys, who smoke and take drugs and the shouts and cries of the staff and others.

Will wish that there was someone who could do something. Would like to be with mother, and so the municipality can come up with the people, who must look to us.

Strange to be back and home, it becomes this place never for me. It is nice that there is food in my room, so I’m not starving.

today I was contacted by my lawyer and he did not understand why I felt scared and uncomfortable and I was angry and upset.

Thinking ’why are you my lawyer and where is your help and support to get me back home to mother’.

At 24 to 2 is that some of the boys, throws up and cries at the gund of they are full or have taken anything..

So is it XXXdag and not long to XXXdag. Can’t wait to get home to mom on the weekend. The other has been out for 6 hours and no staff have been here in the night.

Come home to mom. I want to come home to mom and be with her and then I will follow and do 9 class finished as agreed.

Here is in the security of the mother and so may want to get people back home to mom and I, but are afraid opholdstedet and do not feel comfortable and do not have anything with the others to do and does not want it.. and we move no more..

It is my wish

the nation! have previously received this email from a mother of a 15-year-old boy, who had also been tvangsanbragt on a dwelling place. She also sent photo from the son’s room – and wrote of his stay as follows:

I attended, as I usually do, in kontrolmødet together with the head of a department and an educator from the Farm).

My son be weighed, measured mm, why we while step out of the room.

While we are waiting, I ask to the increased dose Truxal my son is starting to get, after the placement, as it worries me.

the educator responds: ‘ to my son only gets the extra Truxal, when he has no more marijuana to smoke.

I wonder, appalled, if he smoke marijuana in her home, and why they are not trying to prevent it???

I say, that it is dung dangerous for a young person with a psychosis to smoke cannabis, and express my wonder and concern that one does not work to shield my son from the Hash-smoking.

The corresponding unanimously, that the man on the farm) is of the opinion that: ‘it’s better to let my son smoke marijuana than to put hard against hard.

My son says after I talk with him about the smoking of marijuana on the ground that he smokes hash as well as every day, and that he has gotten to know, ‘it’s ok, as long as he is not smoking, while others see’ .

Therefore, he goes outside and like the in the area small forest, when he needs to smoke marijuana.