Loli Canavate was the Mayor of Armilla and he highlighted the “union that CBA has maintained for nearly 12 years with our municipal, which has always been an example in provincial sports.” Canavate announced that the National will be accompanied by social actions for the Quarry, where more than 200 children and teens play basketball, as well as learning all the values associated with the sport. The Quarry has the full support of Armilla.

Tomas Rejon Councilor For Sports announced that the City Council has begun implementing a number of measures to improve the condition of athletes. These include improvements to Rafael Machado Villar’s tracks, which are home to the CBA.

The Club President was thankful for the support from the institution and was enthusiastic: “it’s the team of all armilleros and armsilleras. Our new Nacional wants the Club to demonstrate that its line of work is solid both on and off track.” The Club is also working to provide a women’s version of the National League to “thus reinforce our two quarry columns.”