so Far, he had not considered just as a supporter of the new CDU leader, Kramp-Karrenbauer, but she persuaded JU-chief Ziemiak to become the new Secretary-General. The party Congress elected him with only around 63 percent.

the head of The Union Tempobet youth organization Young Union (JU), Paul Ziemiak, is the new CDU General Secretary. The around 1000 delegates at the Hamburg party conference elected him to the proposal of the new CDU-Chairman, Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer, with 62.8 percent. the The result observer evaluated as a damper. Ziemiak said after his election: “I thank you for this honest result.” Kramp-Karrenbauer had received in February at the time of their election to the General Secretary of 98.9 percent.

It is now, not yesterday, but the future of the party, had Ziemiak said in his application speech. “I am, because it’s this party,” he said. “It is now important to renew the party with a clear price and a clear language.”

CDU party Congress: Paul Ziemiak is the new Secretary-General
day look 12:25 PM, 08.12.2018, Tom Schneider, ARD Berlin

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