It is quite chaotic in Rosenborg for the time being.

today it was planned that the club would present to the Eirik Horneland as the new coach.

The Norwegian team has now chosen to cancel the press conference, which should have been taken place at 12 o’clock, when there is strife between Hornelands club, FK Haugesund, Rosenborg.

It writes the VG.

Eirik Horneland says a press release, that he believes that he has a month’s notice of termination.

‘FK Haugesund and I was earlier in the autumn to agree on amended terms of my trænerstilling. The new terms apply 1. January 2019. From that date the following notice: ‘Under the employment relationship and after the expiration of the probationary period subject to a mutual notice period of one month, counted from the end of the calendar month’, writes Horneland, together with his lawyer Erik Flågan.

Rosenborg and Horneland is of the opinion that Horneland has a month’s opsigelsestid in his contract with Haugesund.

Haugesund believes, on the contrary not that the clubs have agreed on the transition, and Haugesund call even Rosenborg for ‘extremely unprofessional’.

instead, says the club that they have cancelled the three-year contract extension, which Horneland signed on in October, and that it is therefore Hornelands previous contract is in force. It keeps him in Haugesund up to 30. november 2019.

There are no clauses in the contract, according to Haugesund. Therefore, it can Horneland only come to Rosenborg before the time at to be bought off.

It has Not not been done, says president in Haugesund, Leiv Helge Kaldheim, according to Norwegian TV2. Kaldheim is prepared to go to court to get the situation sorted.

Chairman Ivar Koteng said to VG that it therefore makes no sense to keep the press conference today.

– Eric Hornerud seems that it is hard to be presented in the Rosenborg today with Haugesund’s new terms. So it makes no sense to present him today, says Koteng.

In spite of the great confusion am Horneland to start. When is uncertain.

I look forward to become the new coach in Rosenborg after my notice period, says Horneland.