The problem has been transportation – and installation services.Veikko’s Machine ceo Ilkka Viskari assure you that christmas transportation treatment and christmas gift orders are on time. Stock. MOSTPHOTOS

the evening journal has received numerous contacts from people who have ordered stuff Veikko’s Machine, but no orders have been and the customer service I received contact.

Chap Machine ceo Ilkka Viskari confirm the issue of evening magazine. The problem of reason: Black Friday.

– This is a Black Friday due to the case and applies mainly to the helsinki metropolitan area. Black Friday sales surprised with all määrällään and volyymillaan, Viskari said.

Viskari tell you that the problems are transportation and installation services.

This is a question that the transportation and the installation services have not been able to run at that speed what I should have. The outside delivery company and installation company has not received the goods forward quickly enough. It is caused by the fact that our customer service is congested.


It happened just exactly that way. That volume, which was born during the day, formed such that the transportation and the installation services have not kept pace with it.

Double action

Viskari Kaçak Bahis assure you that christmas transportation treatment and christmas gift orders are on time.

– we Have hired people to add to unload traffic jams. A double shift of work at the moment. Our assessment is that it is a week and a half, when this Black Friday can be eliminated, Viskari said.

we regret that such situation has arisen.

Viskarin according to the problems in the helsinki metropolitan area are caused, in particular large household appliances, which is to be home transported and installed. Christmas gift for the people you are ordering easier entertainment electronics.