HALDEN, norway (Dagbladet): the Man in the 40-years that should have sent a bomb to politihuset in the Ski, is imprisoned with the letter and restraining order in four weeks. The first two weeks have served on the isolation, decided Halden district court today.

It charged the husband appealed on the spot.

the Man refuses to have had something with bomba to do. He has for many years been in fierce conflict with the police in Romerike.

IMPRISONMENT: Politiadvokat John Skarpeid and the man’s defender, John Christian Fire. Photo: John Terje Pedersen / Dagbladet Show more

questions from the Newspaper if he has something he want to say, said the man in the 40-years following when he arrived at the court:

– I was not apprehended. I made an appointment with politiadvokaten. I want to correct the image, because I believe there is an error it is written that I was arrested, he says to Dagbladet.

I hung out for something I’m not, ” he says.

– Are there more effective ways

the Man describes it as that he himself signed up for the police. He has previously said that he has the understanding that the police wanted to talk with him, because of the long-standing conflict he has had with the agency.

Defender John Christian Fire says that the persons charged did not relate to the action.

” We have appealed on the site, Casinoslot so we’ll see what the appellate court says. The key is whether he may have sent the package or not on Wednesday. It should the police be able to easily find out of. He has even explained that if he wanted to hurt the police, so there are far more effective methods, ” says the defender.

FOUR WEEKS: deputy judge Pia Skjørshammer Klafstad at Halden district court decided four weeks ‘ imprisonment. Photo: John Terje Pedersen / Dagbladet Show more

Police pointed quickly the man out as a moduskandidat because of a prolonged conflict with the agency. Politiadvokat John Skarpeid says that the police still have a large investigation in front of them. the


In 2008, parked he, among others, a car with explosives outside the lensmannskontoret at Lørenskog and threatened to blow up the car in the air. For a half years since he shall also have tagged down the Nedre Romerike district court and lensmannskontoret at Lørenskog.

When the police on Friday evening took himself into the man’s residence on Easter on the Interpretation, evacuated the dozens of neighbors in fear of an explosion.

Charged with bombemann in court: – I hung out for something I’m not

Politiadvokat John Skarpeid says to Dagbladet in the right that they look at the matter as very serious.

– We believe bevisbildet now strengthened, and there are reasonable grounds to suspect. We want to have him in solitary confinement, among other things, so he can’t communicate with fellow prisoners. We can currently not exclude the possibility that there may have been others involved. The investigation is still in an early phase, ” he says.

More names, and monitoring

the Police put holds around one hundred metres around his home when the Friday night aksjonerte.

Bombegruppa was place on the site together with krimteknikere, ambulance and fire truck in the course of the evening. Innsatsleder Anders Bru explained that the fire truck was summoned routinely in case something will explode.

Police took at 20.30 time into siktedes apartment. When they had previously examined it from the outside with kranbil, and examined siktedes garage and kjellerbod.

Man charged with drapforsøk after bomb threat against police

According to information the Newspaper has been given to the defendant to have operated with more names of its own mailbox despite the fact that he lives alone in the apartment. He should have lived at the address for nearly ten years.

Several neighbors said they have observed the security cameras pointing out from the apartment.


It was Friday afternoon, police stated that they have arrested a man in 40-years after bombefunnet by politihuset in Ski Wednesday. The man is now charged with attempted murder, but refuses straffskyld.

the Man has a long history of conflict with the local politidistriktet.

After the Newspaper experience, the man’s history to be related to the psychiatry and not ideology. People with knowledge of man describes that he feels like a normal citizen who feels overrun by the system.

The charged bombemannens long dossier: – A regular citizen who feels overrun by the system