The journal Stiftung Warentest has reviewed 25 milk chocolate. 15 products scored “good”, nine “satisfactory” and “sufficient”. The most valued variety is a fair-trade product. In addition, it is the cheapest of the tested chocolate. the

For their latest issue has rated the Stiftung Warentest a total of 25 varieties of milk chocolate. In the overall judgment of 15 products received the rating “good”. The test winner is “The good chocolate” – a fair trade product with the touch of 1,9 (1 € /100 g). Also, the grade of “good” received “Marabou Mjölk Choklad” (1,12 € /100 g) as well as “Merci precious cream” (EUR 1.30/100 g) and “Milka Alpine milk” (1 Euro/100 g). Also, two products of the major discounters Aldi and Lidl received a good rating (“Moser Roth premium milk”, € 0.79/100; “Bio Organic milk chocolate”, $ 1.29/100 g). The tested Lidl chocolate also bears the Fairtrade label.

in addition, Stiftung Warentest nine times, awarded the grade of “satisfactory” and once “sufficient”. The panel with the worst rating (“Godiva’s Milk Chocolate”) is also the most expensive (6,95/100 g) and also strongly with the Nickel-loaded. This is according to the magazine, however, is not harmful to health.

With or without Rum

Hot chocolate with five spice

Five-spice powder gives the chocolate next to a cinnamon and clove based a lakritzig-tart, slightly spicy seasoning. Who wants can also add a shot of Rum.

Long traces of mineral oil were a Problem with chocolate. The product testers will Nakitbahis attest to the manufacturers that they have the Problem now “in the grip”. No chocolate significantly with plant protection products or the pollutant cadmium loaded.

In your “sensory judgment” rated load of the Tester to the taste of the chocolate. A distinct Cocoa flavor, creamy taste and aroma of caramel is seen. In addition, if the chocolate is free of bubbles of air, has a smooth surface and on the edges will not splinter. Here are 21 of the 25 tested products scored “good” or “very good”. “Very well,” got in this category, only the overall test winner “The good chocolate”. They taste complex and “creamy” smell “very nutty,” – said in the report.

Vanillin instead of vanilla beans

In some cases, the Tester criticize a herbal-like foreign stars in taste, or a misleading illustration of a vanilla pod on the packaging, although only the flavoring Vanillin is used. Vanilla pods or extracts are also on some lists of ingredients, but actually, the chocolate of contains then at most only traces, so the Tester.

In one case, the magazine criticized the designation “milk chocolate”. For that you must have, according to the cocoa regulation, a minimum of 30% cocoa and 18% milk components. At least one of the tested product should not be referred in accordance with these criteria than milk chocolate.