There is a new case of measles in the Copenhagen area.
It writes the Statens Serum Institut (SSI) in a press release.
The new cases are infected with a different type of measles virus and are therefore not part of the current outbreak with a total of six cases.
The infected is a child, who has not been traveling or have been in contact with a known case of measles.
There has been infection in Denmark from an unknown source of infection, inform the SSI.
– We don’t know yet how the infection happened, and it is not very likely that we’ll find it.
Measles is so contagious a disease, which means that one can be infected with very brief contact, says afdelingslæge by SSI Peter Andersen.
Internationally is that B3-type previously reported from Italy and in recent months from the Eastern europe, but there have also been a few cases with completely identical measles virus in Germany.
– It does not suggest that the same virus has been in Denmark the last time, says Peter Andersen.
the Child has been sitting in a waiting room and been in a day care center, while it has been contagious.
the director of Patient safety has, therefore, informed individuals who may have been exposed to infection.
Six people have been infected with measles of the same virus, of which one of them was a child of ten months.
most people today vaccinated or have had measles and are therefore immune.
However, small children, who have not yet received the vaccine, are at special risk. The same applies to danes born between 1975 and 1986. A greater proportion of them are not vaccinated or have not been infected with the disease.
If you suspect that you are infected with measles, call his doctor. One should not turn up unannounced, as measles is a very contagious disease, and are thus likely to infect others in the waiting room.