“China defends detention of muslims”

“China is defending what they themselves call for the re-education camps in xinjiang province where over a million people from the muslim minority groups, particularly uighurs, have been detained.”

“During a speech in Geneva in Switzerland, where the UN council for human rights had been a meeting called with the deputy foreign minister, Le Yucheng, the criticism that has been directed against the camps for”

“During the meeting, demanded Norway to the united nations would get access to the area to investigate the camps. China’s foreign ministry has previously responded with that they can think of to let in observers from the UN and claim that it is possible, but only if it is done on China’s terms and conditions and in line with the country’s laws and regulations. Authorities also claim that the journalists have the opportunity to visit the area, but those who have tried have generally been stopped.”

“Michael Kozak, head of the u.s. state department’s human rights and demokratiavdelning said that China’s treatment of muslims represent the worst human rights violations in the world since the 1930s.”

“China claims that the camps are justified on the grounds of religious extremism in the areas and to curb terrorism and separatism.”

“– When antiterrorsituationen be improved will omskolningsprogrammen gradually be scaled down, said Le Yucheng, which is further claim that China with the camps prevented the spread of terrorism in the world.”

“the UN committee for the elimination of racial discrimination, estimated last fall that over a million people placed in the camps, while other independent analysts argue that it is more than that.”