In the fight against the cross at a red traffic light, the Chinese government far. Very far. Large cities convert more and more of a extra weapon in order to pedestrians to wait. Roodlopers be to shame on tv screens in the city. Completely flawless works the Orwellian system just yet.

Who here is crossing at a red light, in addition to the risk of the socks to be driven, with no chance of a lifted middle finger of a fly-by motorist. Otherwise, it is in the Chinese place Shandong, Jiangsu, Fujian and Guangdong. There, since last year cameras pictures of overstekers in violation. Other cities followed this year. the

A smart system determines on the basis of face recognition, the identity of the daredevils, and put that, along with photos and a fifteen seconds film of the misconduct, on a widescreen display. The digital pillory should canlı bahis siteleri pedestrians so embarrass that they will be a next time, however, from their head to not on green to wait. the