Police have arrested and charged a man in 30s from Latvia for the murder, after a man was stabbed and killed during a christmas party in the Suburbs on the night of Saturday. Tens of people must have been present when the incident took place, informs the police.

It was in a sami tent on the “Little Gratishaugen” by the transition to the out that knivstikkingen happened.

the Newspaper has talked with the managing director of the company who arranged the christmas table.

– The employees have it rough. It is a serious event. We assist the police in getting hold of the relatives, ” he says.

According to the bedriftslederen employees have the it difficult for to have lost a colleague.

Person knivdrept in the Suburbs and Killed after the party

We are of course in shock. We are strongly affected by what has happened. We know our employees well. This is horrible. We are working intensely to ensure the employees who are directly and indirectly affected, ” he says.

According to the chief executive, if it had been a nice christmas party that took place in the proper forms. Between 70 and 80 employees attended the party, but it was after the party was over that the man in 30s was killed by a colleague in the company.

It was a clean ansattfest. Most had gone home. It was completely at the end of the party that the killing happened. It happened in connection with the sorting out, ” says the leader.

Maintained by the crisis team

He got the message about the murder from his employees the next morning.

It was the staff who were there and handled the situation and had notified the police. It was a sad ending to a nice party. Now we need to make sure that the care of them all together.

The staff is managed by a crisis team and it’s going to be held memorial for the employees.

MURDER IN the SUBURBS IN the NIGHT: Ole Kristian Sørland event manager in While the states that lavvoen, where the murder happened was rented out yesterday. Reporter: Øystein Andersen. Video: Frank Karlsen / Dagbladet Show more Arguing

the Defendant will be presented for varetektsfengsling Monday.

The pågrepne the man should be resident of Hamar, norway. He is previously known to the police. Police would not state why they know the man. He was arrested in the same place as the victim was found.

” get on Saturday illuminated from siktedes defender, John Christian the Fire, that he sits in the interrogation. The fire enlightens to the NTB that his client and drapsofferet began to quarrel on the night of Saturday, before knivstikkingen took place.

the Murder in the Suburbs: – It is absolutely terrible

The go currently, out with details about the fornærmedes background, then pårørerende not notified. He shall, however, not be resident in Oslo.

What we can say, is that neither the victim is a Norwegian citizen, says the head of section for voldsavsnittet in the police, the Anne Solem.

It should be made more seizures that are considered interesting, but Solem will not comment on these beyond this.

– It must have been tens of people who were witnesses to the incident. There are lots of vitneavhør in the night and the technical investigations on the spot, ” says Solem.

the Arrest of the man to have gone completely un-dramatic.

– Tucked down in front of tens of witnesses