Many of them civilians, and family members of IS fighters have left, the last Bastion of the IS-terrorist militia in Syria. Last, they drove the car out of Baghus to a camp of the Kurdish fighters.

A convoy of trucks with hundreds of civilians left the last enclave of the terrorist militia “Islamic state” (IS) in Eastern Syria. The truck drove through a humanitarian corridor out of the place Baghus. Women, children, and men were to be seen on the vehicles.

confirmed A spokesperson for the Syrian Democratic forces (SDF), that the vehicles of the civilians brought from the enclave. They drove in the direction of an improvised camp of Kurdish fighters. It is unclear whether ISIS fighters were among the Evacuees.

The Evacuees were brought by truck from the site.

Some of the men were to be seen on the back of the dray, wore Kufijas – the Palestinian scarf known head covering, which is widely used in Arab countries. The women wore Niqabs – the black clothing conservative Muslim women that covers the face except the eyes.

Already the second evacuation action

The of the United States in support of the SDF to lead the fight against the IS in Syria. Already on Tuesday, about 30 people had can the of the IS-fighters-held territory to leave. The United Nations estimates that about 200 families are trapped in a confined space, together with IS fighters.

The SDF-spokesman Mustafa Bali told on Tuesday that a military operation to the expulsion of the extremists from the territory will not start, if you would. Such an attack would be carried out only after the civilians are taken away or the fighters separated, he said. A SDF commander said that most of the extremists, who were still in the enclave, were seriously wounded or sick.

hundreds of fighters in the last IS-enclave

The Syrian Democratic forces have surrounded some 500 IS fighters in the village on the Euphrates. In neighboring Iraq, Iraq had announced the government already last year, the victory over the terrorist militia. However, there continue to be attacks.

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