Within the framework of the project called Focus Skärholmen is planned around 300 apartments in the area Söderholmen, in Vårberg. In addition, including a school, to be expanded and two new nurseries and a new sports court given the place. Rehabilitation of streets and parks shall also be made.

It was decided at Monday’s city council in the city of Stockholm.

condominiums plus six LSS available. Vänsterpartisten Clara Lindblom lifted the project as a good example of how you can take total grip on the areas, but wanted at the same time underline the importance of the tenancy.

– In this area, as well as in other districts, there are major problems with overcrowding and the lack of larger apartments that families can afford to live in, ” said Lindblom.

Even Maria-Elsa Salvo (S) raised the need of rental apartments and said that mixed tenure has been a leading thought throughout the entire project.

– The most common options in the day – condominium and new construction – applies only to affluent groups, while there is no option for normal wage earners. We are heading into a recession, in a situation where there is a housing shortage and bostadsöverskott at the same time. My question is: When will you find new places for the lack of hyresrätterna?

According to the stadsbyggnadsborgarråd Joakim Larsson (M) made the soil conditions at the site where the hyresrätterna would be the cost too high for the planned housing.

– the Overall Focus. in the previous term may not have had the focus to keep the economy in check. Too many red numbers in a project like this runs the risk that the whole project falls. But obviously, it will be built even rental properties, he said.

were treated during the meeting were the grants to the families with children staying in Sweden without authorisation. These families should be given assistance is something the last rule decided guidelines around, and that the green & blue majority decided to retain the. This despite the fact that the moderate party took sharply away from the decision in the previous term.

In a motion from The sweden democrats, it was proposed that the municipality should announce its opinion that persons living without authorization in the country should not be given financial assistance. The party considers, among other things, that assistance to the group, helping to create a parallellsamhälle.

” We are talking about people who do not have grounds for protection and has been rejected in all instances. It is people that violate the Swedish law and which, of course, leaving Sweden and Stockholm, ” said Martin Westmont (SD).

Ole-Jörgen Persson (M) said that it is also the ruling of the majority opinion that those who were refused asylum to leave the country, but that the group affected by the aid is small – last year, applied to 10 undocumented families with children about this, according to Persson. He also said that there are fundamental differences between the parties in the governing majority, but that the agreement is fixed.

– We do not accept, under any circumstances, that children should have to starve or live on the street. Therefore, also the children of undocumented continue to be entitled to financial assistance.