the Union and the SPD have agreed to a few Changes to the law, plans on Migration and asylum. As rejected asylum seekers with a solid Job to get a longer perspective to Remain.
The Grand coalition has agreed on several legislative proposals to change Migration and asylum. The learned the German press Agency from coalition circles. In the draft “employment toleration” is used to insert a date control. The so-called employment toleration for foreigners to secure work permanently their livelihood and well-integrated, should run longer: until the end of 2023. From this scheme, but it can only benefit those who arrived before August 2018 bearing.
At the instigation of the Union, it is also easier to take deportation the foreigner in custody. And then, if you have exceeded that of the foreigners authority for your departure deadline by more than a month.
More education graduates from Non-EU-States
At the Insistence of the SPD should be allowed to get more education graduates from Non-EU States in search of a training place for six months to Germany. The draft law foresaw this possibility is actually only for graduates of German schools abroad and for young people whose education is equivalent to graduation with a German school-leaving qualification. This circle is now significantly expanded. Good German language skills remain a prerequisite.