goal-oriented, calm, makes you aware of – for party leader, Kramp-Karrenbauer, the CDU delivery-exam. Your test has passed. The moment of truth is yet to come.

Who finds Angela Merkel’s kind of good, but not your policy, you can with the successor satisfied. After a very emotional few weeks, roughly to their choice manage Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer, goal-oriented and calm, increasingly better, to make re-issues in the foreground.

Occasional interference of the followers of Friedrich Merz from the iron consistently and makes no secret of the fact that it is quite no matter whether your main competitor wants to be the party Chairman as a consultant or prefer to back into the high Finance goes and now and again of a CDU-Association, perhaps as a speaker is booked.

settling movement of Merkel

The new CDU leader shows surprisingly fast with a private profile. So you announced already for February to migration policy, a so-called Workshop, in which all migration policy measures for 2015 put to the test. The reason is that some operating still, for example, in the consequence, in preparing exercises or in the speed of the method.

of Course you can ask, why now should work, what you could not so far prevail, also because many of the countries of origin to cooperate so far hardly or not at all. But such a migration debate, according to the will of Kramp-Karrenbauer, for example, also a question of how to assess the decisions of 2015 legally, already has a certain poignancy. Finally, the can quickly in a kind of ostracism on the refugee policy of the German Chancellor and the former CDU leader Angela Merkel.


meddle Little doubt can Kramp-karrenbauer also that she wants to take influence on the work of the Federal government So she wants to reduce business taxes and the complete abolition of the solidarity surcharge in this legislature, to enforce.

In the coalition agreement is written only for the abolition for 90 percent of the Soli-payer, but the CDU now wants to also have the deletion for the other ten percent, contributing to a total of 50 percent of the solos-volume. That was one of the decisions of the CDU Federal party conference in Hamburg, as the party decided there that the German environmental aid should get no more funds from the Federal budget.

reason is that the Association lead a crusade against drive technologies and, above all, against the Diesel, argues Kramp-Karrenbauer, suggesting that the environmental assistance hazardous to the business location Germany, bad speech, and jobs.

elections in the East as a test

Lack of power could not be said of instinct, the former Minister President of the Saarland sure. At the top of their Agenda, the new Federal States. First of all, you need to deal more with the life performance of the Eastern, and in the Pension something for you to do.

30. Anniversary of the wall if you should like to take this opportunity to pay tribute to the courage and dedication of the East Germans duly, the CDU-Chairman, especially to the AfD, the water withdrawal of ravens – for you alone will be judged on whether it succeeds, voters of the AfD back.

at the Latest, in the autumn, when in the state of Brandenburg, Saxony and Thuringia will be elected, and therefore proposes that Kramp-Karrenbauer, the moment of truth. In the three Federal States of the AfD is according to surveys, very strong and could bring the political statics violently shaken.

First Executive Board meeting of the new Boss
Matthias Rich, ARD Berlin
14.01.2019 17:28 PM

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