Although times change, friends and relatives to delight the right christmas card is still for many finns an important tradition. Christmas greeting to give to friends also steeped in tradition as the christmas flower. JENNY nyström, the first christmas card

the World’s first christmas card is timed in 1611 England: the physicists-the alchemist Michael Maier sent a christmas greeting to king James I. Cards tradition became widespread later in the 1800s.

the first commercial christmas card was published in the Uk in torquay the victorian era, in 1843. It was the artist John Calcott Horsleyn designed by cards by Sir Henry Cole commissioned this christmas busy ones in order to facilitate. Beautiful cards could easily remember all close at one time. A practical way of increasing and spreading all over the world.

the Card sending processing become more common 1800-century as the society too. New printing techniques allowed cards to be printed in large batches. In the 1840s developed stamps, easy postage format. Christmas greeting submission had never been so effortless!

Yet as more and more could also read and write, the card sending processing quickly became popular.

in Finland, the mail faster in 1862, the completion of Helsinki–Hämeenlinna-railway along the. Parents in Finland arrived the cards were in the 1800s, German and Swedish. The first known christmas card was sent in Finland in 1871.

Million cards around Finland

the Card sending processing became common after independence in the 1920s. Paper card popularity is not just faded digitalisation am. Delighting and remembering into the rose christmas, the wild readings: in 2010, the finns sent only in the home country more than 40 million christmas cards!

the Swedish Jenny Nyström created a nordic elf character, which in Finland is still one of the most popular christmas card motif. Maija Karma, Mauri Kunnas and Virpi pekkala’s christmas cards are also Finnish favorites today. A study commissioned by posti (2018), according to the best christmas card is, however, self-making crafts.

Different types of cards can be found in stores scads. The elves and Santa claus in addition, the card can be described as the forest animals, snowy landscapes, lanterns, and angels and religious topics. Trendy text card and fresh fashion colors playing cards have become commonplace in recent years.

christmas card sender can choose to promote the message of christmas by giving to his own charity. For example, the Red Cross, Unicef and save the Children are selling christmas cards and stamps and took donations.

the christmas star – red traditional floral

the christmas star, i.e. a star globe (Euphorbia pulcherrima) is jouluanajan the most popular flower. Intermediate american variety with large your each other grow originally shrub or tree form.

the christmas star was combined with the christmas celebration already in 1500-century Mexico. According to the story the poor girl could not afford a gift for Jesus ‘ birthday, so he gathered the angel kehottamana hay in the woods. The church at the altar the girl collected by the modest grasses erupted with stars on christmas trees.

the norwegians bred the plant from the 1960s, table decoration suitable shape. In europe, growth is now every year about 100 million christmas stars. Although the poinsettia is known in particular, christmas flower, it is in fact a perennial houseplant. The christmas star can be red or white, sometimes also pink. Star-like shape can be seen to symbolize the Beethelemin stars.

the christmas star shines in the middle of Finland’s darkest seasons naturally. This is the so-called short-day plant that needs to blossom in 6-8 weeks-long polar night time. An atmosphere of christmas lights and the short days light enough. well the christmas star lighting.

Flowers is a popular us and elsewhere. In the united states is celebrated on 12. December national poinsettia day.

Hyacinth brings home a christmas scent

Pink, white, or bluish hyacinth (Hyacinthus) is a christmas star even older than christmas flowers. It blooms in winter and is therefore suitable for a fine christmas decoration. Varieties arrived in Europe 1500-century Turkish travel along with men.

easy to care for hyacinth was combined with Finland christmas in the late 1800’s, when the helsinki-based florist placed the flowers out the window. Onion growing in a rather small size of the flower is one of the most common export activities over the christmas period. Its a strong fragrance that many of the most important finishing touch to the christmas mood.

Hyacinth with a similar history to share tulip, which is especially in the old days was the most common christmas flower. Graceful shape allows it to bring to the christmas table or window for a classic elegance.

Moody christmas waiting for the money drum readers!