We would like to congratulate. On Saturday the price for their short film, “Silent country is a Good country” at the Max-Ophüls-Festival for the audience. Where to present your award?
Since I’m just back from Saarbrücken, it is currently still on the kitchen table. So I can marvel at something alone.

And which spot gets you later?
Good question. The prices that I was able to take so far, were all exceptionally ugly and ended up in a cardboard box in the basement. However, the Ophüls-award is not only pretty, but also the biggest award I have received. I will bring them in my room, but hidden. Not that I still run the risk of itself in love.

Take us with you in this Moment of victory proclamation.
Shortly before that, I was extremely tense: It is calculated never with such a victory, but secretly hoping on it and tried again and again to convince you that you will lose. At the Annunciation, my cute study have losgejubelt colleagues first, and me with your hugs from a kind of Trance brought. Nevertheless, everything in a cloud is, in retrospect, a bed of: I know only that I had to look on the stage after words and give me a technical breakdown of valuable seconds think time gave.

What are the reactions on the Film you have touched?
The feedback I received before the award ceremony, mean more to me. I think these are more natural and honest. After the coronation, I had the feeling that all the people I have met in my life so far, have reported – it was a big, beautiful mass of congratulations.

And now, you woke up on Sunday with a hangover?
Ha, honestly, not every day of the festival. Such Events are incredibly stressful: you don’t have to just drink plenty of fluids and eat. No, no, there must also be “genetworked”. Since the celebration is a kind of high performance sport with the awards ceremony as the grande finale.

The Max-Ophüls-is film festival as the most important Meeting of German-speaking filmmakers. The prize you are now to your head?
Never! Clearly, at the Moment, the attention feels good. However, this will be full of smoke after two weeks and me not have worn. Each of my upcoming films, meanwhile, represent a new challenge.

In her 25-minute Film is about a headmistress who is confronted during the election campaign to the parish President with the problems around her son.
Exactly. A classmate accuses him to have bothered you. The mother is now faced with the question of how you deal with it: it provides on the one hand, her son; on the other hand, she is a politician that can’t afford as a potential rising star of such family problems. Then it is also a school leader, you must protect your student.

And, they betray us, whether Moral or career wins?
At the end of the career – hopefully not like in real life.

How did you come up with the idea to tell this story?
The script comes from my study colleague, Lea Pasinetti. In a Seminar at the ZHDK, the task is to create a short film on the topic of Fake News inventory. Pasinetti had the idea to make a story around false news as a tool in the journalistic policy.

planned further film screenings?
he Currently runs just to the Bamberg short film days. But, unfortunately, he has managed in a program of a Swiss Festivals, although it is a Swiss movie in Swiss German.

How do you explain that? You are a Prophet, which applies in their own country?
Maybe a audience films that address political issues, not on looks, rather they relate to one’s own country. Then the Situation is abstract and maybe easier to use. But it may also be that the message behind the Film that appeals to the Germans more than the Swiss.

What plans do you have for the 5000 Euro prize money?
With the a half, I invest more in the Distribution of the “Silent country is a Good country”, the other I put in my ZHDK-degree film.

And what comes after graduation?
Then I have a diploma and am officially unemployed. Or in the language of the film industry independently. I’m going to look for production companies to my projects. A dream scenario would be that in two years, my first feature-length film in a cinema. And for such a dream at the Max-Ophüls-price offers the best conditions.

Created: 24.01.2019, 11:05 PM