It is over writing the ‘mother’ and ‘father’ when referring to the parents of French schoolchildren.

It has the French parliament just decided with a new law. It writes multiple media, including The Telegraph.

instead of using the words will, instead, resort to ‘parent a’ and ‘parent two’ as a way to separate the pairs from each other.

the Law is made to do away with the discrimination of gay parents.

Critics of the law say, however, that the new way of the prosecution the parents will lead to ‘dehumanisere’ forældreskabet and make it a competition on who gets to be the ‘parent’.

Alexandre Urwics, who is the president of the association of homosexual parents, has also stated that he has mixed feelings about the new law.

– In the beginning we were really happy for the law, because it technically makes it possible for our families to be included in the language, which previously did not allow it. But now we are more worried about how it will be, when selecting between who is the ‘parent’ and ‘parent two,’ he said.

Many French politicians see it as an important and good actions, which can include more.

– No one should feel excluded in our society because of an outdated mindset, said Jennifer De Temmerman, who is a member of the european parliament.

president Emmanuel Macrons party supported the proposal.

– This law aims to make room for more diversity in the administrative skoleblanketter, there will be given, told Valérie Petit.