employees of WWF have worked together in the magazine, “Buzzfeed”, according to Rangers, which should have applied to massive torture. The Foundation wants to investigate the allegations comprehensively.

The environmental Foundation WWF faces serious accusations: employees are to wild to have the guardian supports, which are suspected to have torture and even murder. About the possible cooperation with the Online magazine, “Buzzfeed reported”.

The magazine refers to research, which would have taken about a year, and more than 100 Interviews and the review of Thousands of documents have includes. In cases in Africa and Asia had become known.

Set WWF torture the Ranger?

One of these cases dates back to the year 2006: the Rangers have beaten a man was brutally beaten and tortured, according to “Buzzfeed,” because of the suspicion that he wanted to be buried with his son, the Horn of a rhinoceros. Then the man came into the prison, where he died nine days later.

In Cameroon to Rangers in 2017, an eleven-year-old boy before the eyes of his parents being tortured. The WWF has not used then, only that the charges against the accused will be wild left to the guardians fall, the Foundation has even hired a Ranger.

“human rights are at the core of our Mission,”

The WWF showed on the allegations shocked and announced an independent investigation. “We take any allegations very seriously,” said the London headquarters of the Foundation: “human rights are at the core of our Mission.”

Also, the German offshoot of the founded in 1961 the Foundation has already responded to the report: He hired Markus Löning, to support the investigation. Löning was from 2010 to the beginning of 2014, human rights Commissioner of the Federal government. The Foundation announced until probably April first interim report.