The Federal administrative court has to play the way for a share of the costs of the DFL at high risk. The additional costs for the police forces may, in principle, be charged.

It is, of all things, the smallest state, with the great king of football has created. Bremen managed to 2014 with a Change in the Bremen fees and contributions act, the conditions, the football to the police costs to participate in high-risk play.

“The law is consistent with Federal law,” the decisive sentence of the presiding judge was today at the Federal administrative court after a year-long dispute. It is therefore clear that Bremen has set itself, and could now encourage other countries to follow suit.

“special state power”

It is true that ensuring public safety is a task of the state and in the General interest is perceived, resulted from the court. A fee could still be charged if it is a special state of power. This was the high risk play of the case.

As Bremen did not have all of the police costs but only the costs that play “normal” football does not apply. These costs can also be separate from the ordinary police costs to be borne by the taxpayer.