the Country recorded an average of two hate crimes against Gays and lesbians by the Helpline the LGBT umbrella associations per week. In a postulate called for it on Monday in the cantonal Parliament, AL -, and SP-MP that police officers are trained in dealing with LGBT-hostile aggression. The courses will be given in basic training and further training. In spite of the content of criticism of the Zurich cantonal Parliament has transferred a corresponding postulate of the state Council.

the members of The Council showed in their Vote, a majority of sympathy for the postulate. Criticism was, however, introduced to the text content. Thomas Vogel (FDP Illnau-Effretikon) was formulated with the concerns of “verschwurbelt”. He also said that the police did not need any “tutoring” for LGBT concerns.

Nevertheless, he showed himself in the name of the FDP ready to support the postulate. The government should deal with LGBT concerns.

The theme to remove the taboos

The President of the Association of cantonal police, Markus Schaaf (EPP, cell), saw no need for training with his colleagues. “Today, the officials ask the detainees whether you want to be examined by a police officer or a police officer,” said Schaaf.

Brigitte Röösli (SP, Illnau-Effretikon) described their own experiences. “When I walk in the evening with my wife home, I think me always, whether I take you by the Hand or not.” You know gay teenagers who were beaten up in Zurich and not yet on the police post went. Reason was their fear of the police was not taken seriously. “With this postulate, we want to remove the taboos from the topic.”

Valentin Landmann (SVP, Zurich) you could not convince, however. He understand their concerns, he says. “But I see with the Police there is simply no need for action.”

The Council approved the business finally with 112 Yes – against 56 no votes. The postulate is now to be referred to the governing Council. (sda)

Created: 02.12.2019, 13:40 PM