the Copenhagen city Court rejects Tuesday to allocate three prosecutors in a big information about, that the police call the Operation Greed.
A defender have meant that the three has been incapacitated. He does on-the-spot decision to the high court.
at the same time, saying the defender that his client, a 62-year-old man, do not want to answer questions, because he no longer has confidence that the charges are objective.
the Showdown will take place at the 90. hearing in the case, which has a huge scope. The case of money laundering of 530 million crowns and about the evasion of tax, vat and social security contributions of nearly 300 million Danish kroner.
The 62-year-old is accused of money laundering of a total of 484 million crowns through a vekselbureau.
the Protest against the charges due to a diversified scenario in which a fourth and a senior prosecutor in the fraud squad questioned a witness, before the witness having to give evidence in court.
This is contrary to the clear guidelines from the chief prosecutor, the attorney general. These were issued after a criminal case against a prosecutor in one of the cases from Pusher Street in Christiania. This prosecutor was in 2018 sentenced to misinform the court about his contact with witnesses.
In the case of the Operation Greed made a deputy state prosecutor in the fraud squad in January the hearing of a witness from the Danish business authority.
the lawyer for the 62-year-old, lawyer Kristian Sting, has pointed out that the three mødende prosecutors misled the court. This was done by forward vicestatsadvokatens opinion on the examination, although they knew that it was not true. Thus the hidden information about the process, he has turned real.
Several other defenders to support in Tuesday’s hearing that they have lost confidence in the three prosecutors is objective.
– the Right must not shake of the hand, sounds the call.
But the decision to let prosecutors continue to put the district court’s emphasis on the fact that the examination was not made at their initiative.
That they did not court attention to that vicestatsadvokatens opinion was not true, does not make them incapacitated, says.
Lawyer Kristian Sting had to go to the district court for that insight into what is happening. The inspection of the file reveals that one of the mødende prosecutors were highly skeptical of the vicestatsadvokatens the questioning of the witness.
‘it Seems that this is a peculiar approach, hope it gives problems in the law’, she wrote thus, on the examination.
Lawyer Kristian Sting says that the controversial interrogation also is vertically in conflict with the principle of equality between prosecution and defence in criminal matters.
– They tried to achieve an unfair advantage in the examination, says Kristian Sting to the right.
the Charges are very cash in their rejection of the claim for incapacity:
– It is an attempt to shift the focus and to delay the proceedings, as has happened countless times before. It is the latest totally unsubstantiated attack on the accusations, saying specialanklager Natalya Pleasing Lindberg.
the Matter of the matter is, however, not out of the world. Now get the Eastern high Court the opportunity to assess whether prosecutors should be set aside.
the high Court must also decide whether the deputy attorney general issued from the fraud squad and the three prosecutors head to be examined. Also, it has the district court namely rejected.