There was a fight of seats at the national motorcykelmesterskaber in Costa Rica last month. During the first stage was the two drivers in the Marion, Calvo, and Jorge Martinez in a wild duel, which ended with fights. the

It writes the news agency AP.

The two drove a little accidental into each other, which caused Martinez to lose control of his wobbling bike. It looked like he was going to fall of, but he did accurately get fat in Calvos motorcycle and ended up to be behind in Calvo, while his own vehicle unmanned sped across the field and out in the discount.

With Martinez lying on the back stopped Calvo his motorcycle, where after Martinez hit a wellness punched out for his competitor. Calvo and his motorcycle went in the ground, but he quickly raised himself up, and did battle with a vigorous push in the back on Martinez.

See the episode in the video above the article.

Here encounter the two drivers together.

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When the worst of the anger had abated for the two motorcykelkørere, and they thought they would ræse ahead, they were met with the red flag and was thrown out of the race.

the Matter was later taken up by Latin american motorcykelforbund (FIM), which sentenced both drivers in a two-year quarantine.

An expensive day at the office.