Venezuela and the American continent prior to an ordeal, as you have so far only supplied the Cuban Revolution and the U.S. Embargo. The Venezuelans have since Wednesday suddenly two heads of state, after opposition leader Juan Guaidó the President had declared. Hundreds of thousands had previously gone against the Regime of President Nicólas Maduro on the road. However, there were also Pro-Maduro rallies. Prompt Guaidó by the regional heavyweights the USA, Brazil, Colombia, Argentina and Peru, was recognized.

It can be assumed that Guaidó has previously secured the support of the Trump government. It is also conceivable that she pushed him to the bold step. Behind it, the Republican Senator from Florida, Marco Rubio. It is the United States and its new right allies in Brazil, Colombia and Argentina quite obviously, the Situation in Venezuela fuel. You want them to have declared that the Regime of President Maduro finally from the oil-rich Venezuela eliminate.

Maduro has the military on his side

This strategy is more than risky. Because Maduro will not give up his office voluntarily. And he has the military, the guarantor of the Makes, yet on his page. Guaidó should insist on his claim, it could shed to a greater blood than the mass protests of 2014 and 2017. This should give the US reason to be militarily active. That there is such a plan games that Trumps people, is known. Venezuela’s large neighbors, Brazil and Colombia would help the United States. Colombia is one of the largest recipients of U.S. military aid, and Brazil’s new ultra-right-wing President Jair Bolsonaro would not be averse to a military adventure. He himself came from the army and is on a kind of crusade against the Left, as he has just confirmed at the world economic forum in Davos.

Insulin is in short supply, diabetics die

the main responsible for the dangerous Situation in Venezuela is, of course, the Maduro government itself. It’s called socialist, but it is a corrupt Narco-Regime, which is only due to fraudulent elections. As it is, the country is based on, you can observe for years. The supply situation is so catastrophic that old people have to climb 14 floors in their homes up, because spare parts for the elevators are missing. Sugar, the sick die because there is no Insulin. Hundreds of thousands starve and the crime is so terrible that you can leave his apartment in Caracas. Add to that the Inflation, which could reach, according to the IMF this year, ten million percent.

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in view of this plight of three million Venezuelans have left the country. The wave of refugees in the neighbouring countries, to regional unrest. It is a crime against the people, that President Maduro is not ready to dialogue with the Opposition. Just as devastating could make out the policy of the United States and its South American allies to provoke in Venezuela, a Showdown between the Regime and the Opposition.