This final word. It was a lot of money, very much money. Transport Senator, Regine Günther (independent, Green) took advantage of the final word of the Current hour, in the house of representatives for a glimpse into the future. And according to her, is to be invested in the next 15 years, up to 28 billion euros in the public transport of the city. Means 28, and quite a lot of zeros.

Specifically, the so-called transport plan, to expand the subway fleet on 1650 cars by 2035, to buy up to the year 2033, more than 600 new tram cars and the tram fleet is to expand by 2035, to nearly 500 vehicles. In addition, in the year 2030 only electric buses will be on the streets of Berlin on the go. And the tram network should be expanded to 85 kilometers. Changes to the arrangement: so Far, the tram network is 190 kilometers long.

Previously, there had been sharp criticism of the situation in the Berlin public transport. The Opposition in the house of representatives had used one of the CDU group applied for Current hour on the Situation of the BVG, the red-red-green coalition, attack sharply. This carrying the responsibility for the current plight of the transport companies and also do in other policy areas, with “controversy, inaction and Denial of the reality”.

attacks on the SPD

special focus: The social Democrats and governing mayor Michael Müller. Oliver Friederici (CDU), accused the social Democrats, according to the Motto, “Deceive, Trick, Disguise, to want to Bully” to the “own inability” to distract. The party had “a fear of the growing city”, the transport policy-making. The coalition wished to meet with any important decisions and stigmatized instead of the other traffic participants. FDP parliamentary leader Sebastian Czaja accused the coalition to overturn its own failings “on the Green in front of the feet”. AfD-Chef Georg Pazderski described the social Democrats as the “startled chicken” and accused them to have BVG Boss Sigrid Nikutta “in the Lord of the manor to the repeat” is ordered. Nikutta was charged on Tuesday, both of the SPD and the Greens in the respective group meetings. Also, the FDP parliamentary group, announced Nikutta question.

daily mirror people

for Free order

normal 2020 “

representatives of the coalition operation” at the earliest, sought to objectify the debate. Tino Schopf (SPD) campaigned for a better communication with passengers and exhorted the Opposition to the negotiations for the next two-year budget the own words to action and to support decisions to strengthen the BVG. “We do not leave the LPP in the lurch, we are the passengers guilty,” says Schopf. The Green politician Harald Moritz said: “We have all recognized the problems and you will face together and solve.” Harald Wolf of the Left, announced that the BVG will come “at the earliest 2020/2021 again, in a normal operation,” and called for improvements in pay and working conditions of the BVG employees.


read more in the daily mirror for the transport

– Extremely full trains: “I have to get out of here, I don’t get claustrophobia”: The S-train, so all in the regional train – an imposition! An experience report from the new Spandau-Newsletter.

“To the rise with all of the in the BVG buses?” A city Council about the Siemens train, the tram to the West and the BVG buses, at the Limit. The big Interview you can read here.


More about

crisis in the Berlin public transport Sigrid Nikutta has to the SPD’s question and answer

Silvia Perdoni Jörn Hasselmann Ulrich Zawatka-Gerlach

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